Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blow Bubbles In Your Chocolate Milk

Kathryn was awarded 3rd place out of 337 entries in the Missouri State Poetry Society Writer's Winter Contest 2010 Youth Division. Congratulations Dear Kathryn! Take a moment to enjoy her award winning poem.

Blow Bubbles in Your Chocolate Milk

Sometimes it’s the small things,
that tend to make our day
like hugs, whipped cream, or nice things
that, to you, people say.

And sometimes doing things
that may seem juvenile
can really make the difference
in your mood, and make you smile.

Things like playing royalty
with a trailing cape of flowing silk.
things like blowing bubbles,
in your chocolate milk.

Things like placing buttercups,
right up to your nose
and things like playing in summer-soft grass,
and squirting someone with the hose.

Things like blowing dandelions,
right up into the sky
and things like innocently watching
caterpillars inching by.

These things we don’t do as often
as we sometimes, maybe could.
There are always the problems: stress, work and time
But otherwise, we say we would.

So, take some time to be royalty
with a flowing cape of silk
and keep in mind to blow bubbles
in your chocolate milk.

by Kathryn Yoder


  1. That is wonderful! Keep up that writing, have talent!

  2. see...this season is for you to learn some new bubbles to blow! Tell her GREAT JOB and CONGRATS!!!
