Friday, September 3, 2010


I have felt like the last few weeks have just been a blurr. I am getting done what I have to, but when I woke up this morning at 5:00 just so that I could put the dinner dishes in the dishwasher and "feel" a little more caught up I was reminded how so very busy this time of year is for me. I usually go into survival mode, totally rely on Eric for way too much, and seriously consider inventing a Caffeine implant!
I am really enjoying my new job, but the four new preps have me working pretty steadily. I am enjoying the challenges, but won't lie that having an extra day this weekend to get my life in order is most welcome. The imbalance of school and home is such a challenge to me. I know I have perfectionist tendancies so it is a challenge to decide what is important.
I am studying Colossians and keep this verse close at hand. "Let the peace of Christ guide all of your decisions, for you were called to live as one united body; and always be THANKFUL! Let the full richness of Christ's teachings find its home among you. Teach and advise one another wisely. Use psalms and hyms and Christian Songs, singing God's praises from joyful hearts. And whatever you have to do, with in speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:15-17
Usually I am drawn to the whole part of "doing everything as unto the Lord" which certainly is a good part. But I have been drawn particularly these past few weeks at the encouragement to
Let the full richness of Christ's teachings find its home among you.
I have been thinking about what that actually means to me during this most hectic time.
Not just knowing the FULL RICHES OF CHRIST'S TEACHINGS, but making them find their HOME IN YOU! Making them be as comfortable as home! I daily have been thinking of the riches of Christ's teachings and it has strengthened me and caused me to stop and take account of who I am in Christ and what I have in Christ....let's just say that my CUP IS FULL!
So, yeah I am tired and (sigh) this is an exhausting time of year. But I am so very thankful that the Lord is patient with me as I work at the things He teaches me and live them out to be as "comfortable as home!"

1 comment:

  1. What else can I say but that I love you so much!
    Praying for you family during this busy time.
    By the way, I am going to steal your java moms idea for my co-op moms - hope you don't mind. I LOVE it!
