Sunday, December 18, 2011
Miriam, the woman with no middle name.
Our hearts have recently mourned the loss of Eric's Mom affectionately known to all as Mim. Our family will miss the weekly visits and cherish the memories we made with this most special woman. As I have been pondering and reminicising about her life I have been thinking about an unusual fact that many may not know. Miriam Yoder was the woman with NO middle name.
I remember the evening when I found out that she had no middle name. I spent a great deal of time trying to convince her that certainly she had to have a middle name. It just seemed unusual, almost not fair. I have decided that, in her honor, I shall bestow to her some most fitting middle names.
Miriam "The Mother" Yoder: It didn't take anyone very much time to determine that this woman LOVED LOVED LOVED her boys. I don't think I can ever remember ONCE a negative word uttered from her mouth about these guys. Each one of them had captured her heart in a special way and she rejoiced in their triumphs and gladly bore their sorrows.
Miriam "The Cook" Yoder: While in her last decade she was not able to display her culinary wonders it is widely known that this woman could put on a spread. I remember enjoying some fabulous Sunday dinners. As I look through her old cookbook it is plain to see that cooking was certainly a passion. She always made her food look so beautiful and when you dined with her it wasn't a rushed event. A meal was something to be shared, relished, and enjoyed.
Miriam "The Grandma" Yoder: If you think Mim loved her boys you should have seen/heard her talk about her grandkids. This was one proud Grandma. She was never rushed, always willing to listen, or have an on the spot tea party. She would sit with enduring patience as my girls would "do" her hair and make-up or paint her nails. She was their biggest cheerleader. With each, "Hey Grandma, look at this..." she watched with the raptured attention and made it seem like each performance was Broadway worthy.
Miriam "The Compassionate" Yoder: Mom, Mim, Grandma Mim.... however you knew her; you were aware of her compassion and love of people. She was the kind of person who cheered for the underdog and helped the hurting. Her first response when seeing a need was to figure out WHAT she could do to help. She prayed diligently for those she loved and carried the burdens for so many. It was her delight to help without expecting in return.
Miriam "The Strong One" Yoder: It is no mystery that her life had some bumps along the way. Whenever she would reference these setbacks it was usually couched with a promise of God and a reminder of that despite her circumstances she stood on the grounds that God was indeed still in control. Some of these setbacks seemed to be harder than others but her resolve to trust would emerge and, though heavy hearted, she would still offer up praise to her Creator and Sustainer.
Miriam "The Prayer" Yoder: Mim prayed for so many, many people. Most significantly I know the prayers she offered on behalf of her wayward son have forever changed my life. I am grateful that she never gave up on Eric. A few years ago I found a letter that she wrote to Eric. It reiterated what I already knew; She prayed without ceasing.
Miriam "The Sister" Yoder: It was always a JOY to see Miriam around her sisters. Intense joy filled the room when they were together and laughter was never far from their lips. Sometimes it would be laughter over a story shared or a memory cherished. And sometimes it was just laughter because they loved to laugh. Being in the presence of her sisters brought Mim great comfort.
As time passed in Mim's life her health declined and some of her traits and characteristics began to change somewhat. She still loved a good laugh and her eyes lit up with joy at the presence of family. However, over time, it was difficult for her to let go of some of her independence. At times it was a challenge for us to see her slowly fade. But it is through these years that emerged a new phase for us and an opportunity that allowed us to LOVE her back.To love her the way she loved us, without expecting anything in return.
Miriam "The Loved" Yoder: Gathering around her hospital bed last week it was obvious that this woman was loved. Her life was one of unconditional love and it was a blessing to hear her communicate she was ready to go home. Peace fills our hearts as we ponder that she is finally released to no more pain or sorrow and her life has been renewed. She loved so very much to listen to and sing praise and worship music. I can only imagine how wonderful and content her smile must be as she sits and worships at the feet of her Lord and Savior.
I feel this song expresses how she must feel.( I tried to make it a link, but it wasn't working)
You are loved dear Miriam, the woman without a middle name; the mother, the sister, the friend.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Celebrating Our Ju-Ju Bear!
Ju-Ju Bear, JuCY Box, JU-G! We love our Julia Claire Yoder! I still can't believe that I am embarking on a week where I will begin to say that Julia is 13!
Saying where does the time go seems so trite. But seriously, WHERE DOES THE TIME GO? It seems like just yesterday she was convincing me that she did not want to grow up, and I was convincing her that she would indeed survive Kindergarten. Wow, those were 12 trying weeks of tears every morning. But I look at her now, amazed at how she has overcome her bent towards being shy and has (seemingly overnight) emerged into a beautiful, young lady. I am so proud of my teen and so thankful that I get to be her Mom. I don't ever want to imply that our lives are perfect. Believe me, we have our share of struggles and "growing pains". But, I am so THANKFUL that I can honestly say I enjoy my teenager! I am proud of her and so thankful for her unique gifts and talents!
We had a great night with 5 families joining us to celebrate Julia. We started this tradition with our girls when Kathryn turned 13. We came together with the intent of showering Julia with encouragement and affirmation as she enters this exciting time of her life. We spent the evening reminding her of, not only our love and committment to her, but of God's promises and plan for her life. Eric and I sang "I Bless You!' and even had some great guitar accompaniment as well....thanks Noel!
Each family brought words of encouragment that were shared. We were also excited to have had some family and East Coast friends send some special words (and video) as well. It was a great time of (as someone this evening put it) reminding Julia of "who she is as well as WHOSE she is!"
...not in any particular order..
1) There is never a dull moment when Julia is around. She is the funny one of the family with a quick wit and timing that is impeccable.
2) CREATIVE with a capital C! This girl can create and invent the greatest skits, dance routines, correography, poems, etc. Her recent rendition of "Christmas Is Coming!" had us ALL in stitches and I was laughing so hard I was crying. She is always taking time to include her younger sister in her "shows" as well. I think her creativity is one of her greatest strengths.
3) She is a servant. Her willingness to help and ability to see when help is needed makes her wise beyond her years. Her sensitivity to others has been evident to me since she was a young child. She always seemed to be able to perceive what someone was feeling, thinking, or needing.
4) She is generous. I love to watch her as she sees a need. She immediately seeks ways to meet it. Her commitment to tithing and giving back to the Lord convicts me, encourages me, and humbles me. It is always the first question she asks when she gets money "How much should I tithe?" I have seen the Lord bless her because of this.
5) Julia is a hard worker. I actually was going to type PERFECTIONIST. But I know she gets that honestly. I see her diligence come through in so many different, sports, ....really anything! She is not one to slack, but rather embraces the respsonsibility life brings her way.
6) Julia is growing in her faith. I am delighted with the conversations we have about spiritual things, so thankful for her sincere desire to honor the Lord, and am grateful for the priority she places in her pursuing her relationship with the Lord.
7) Over the past 3 to 5 years there have been times when our family has faced some uncertainties. I have always been so amazed at how Julia has trusted us (without question) and seemed so willing to "go without" or "sacrifice" without complaining. She has a common sense about her of what is truly important, what matters, and of what lasts. It is refreshing.
8) She is my cleaner and organizer. Can I just say it is AWESOME to not have to go behind this girl and check to see if something is done "right".I can always count on her!
9) She is perceptive. She has a keen sense to know the intentions and needs of others. Being in a Junior High setting, she comes across many situations where she sees someone who has been mistreated or others who act in duplicity. It AMAZES me how perceptive she is in regards to this. I am so thankful for her desire to stay out of the DRAMA!
10) One of the things I am most proud of is how Julia has grown in the area of accepting change. My most favorite quote of Julia as we prepared to move is "I hate change. Why do we need change? If you want change so bad...go rearrange the living room. Don't try and change how my life is" It is true that JULIA NEVER liked change...even little changes bothered her. But I have seen her really grow in this area and have been so proud of her.
Julia, I love you more each day and am so thankful to be called your Mom. I love you bunches and am so thankful that you are in our family. I can't wait to celebrate your life this week.
Love you,
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Crossroads between Perfectionism, Reality, and My Life!
The alarm seems to blare at 5:00AM each morning reminding me that I need to get my body out of bed, make sure my oldest is getting up and try to focus on what needs to be done. While there is much to do it is hard to focus. My mind quickly travels to the dishes in my sink that most likely were left unattended and the laundry that still waits on that black living room recliner longing to be folded and put away, the lunches that have not gotten packed,a bathroom that screams to be cleaned,and the questions of how am I going to get that stack of essays graded by 3rd period today? Joining them are the never ending list of things that I can't seem to ever get to on a regular basis. Listing them would be too much for my pride. It's enough that you know my sink is dirty a majority of the time and my laundry seems endless. These thoughts plague my mind as I decide if I should continue to stay safe under the covers of my bed or just get up and do something that might rid my mind of these taunting and undone tasks. It seems like perfectionism and reality collide each morning as soon as my alarm blares its obnoxious ring. How can I manage? Why can't I get it all done? Why does this feeling of overwhelmed never seem to leave? That's where reality creeps in and speaks. I am only one person, I only have 24 hours, I only can do so much. But those excuses seem so pitiful to me, and well, like EXCUSES! Ugh! Why can't it all just fit together and work seemlessly like it usually does when I plan it all out in my head! This is a battle I fight everyday before my feet even hit the floor. It's really not a great way to start the day...already defeated. I have purposefully tried to begin it with thanksgiving and praise, but these things still seem to loom in my thoughts. It's hard to just shake it off and as my Dad would say....Do the NEXT THING!(his motto for getting it done!)
I was reminded and encouraged recently by this small verse in Colossians. Holding on to this promise is encouraging. It's good to know He can take on this daily battle and actually hold it all together and help me in the process find some sort of balance in it all.
"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17"
I was reminded and encouraged recently by this small verse in Colossians. Holding on to this promise is encouraging. It's good to know He can take on this daily battle and actually hold it all together and help me in the process find some sort of balance in it all.
Friday, August 5, 2011
'Standing out' in Babylon

I saw a cornstalk this morning sticking straight out of a field of soybeans. The picture is not all that great, but if you look real close you may be able to see it. It has been growing there, thriving admist the soybeans. There have been other stalks that have tried to emerge but have ended up dying off being choked out by the soybeans. I was amazed that out of the entire field of soybeans this stalk of corn has survived and emerged despite its surroundings. It brought to mind the things that have been processing through my mind recently as I have been challenged to consider what I am doing as a Christian that makes me "stand out" from the world. Before I go any further I will let you know that most of these thoughts have been spurred on by listening to a series on Daniel that my brother is currently doing. Here's the link: well worth the listen~ (or you can download the "text" of the sermon and READ IT TOO!
The sermons go through the story of Daniel and remind us of how he was a citizen of Jerusalem and was thrust into Babylon...the direct antithesis of Jerusalem. The key thing that keeps running through my mind is the question, "As a citizen of Jerusalem,what am I doing that sets me apart from the citizens of Babylon?" In other words......What am I actively, purposefully doing so that people see a difference in me? As a believer and follower of Christ do I look different to the world? I don't think that being "nice" is good enough to cut it. I don't think I'm a cranky woman or anything... (don't ask my kids some days!) But, sometimes I feel so immersed in the world that I wonder how much of it has "rubbed" off on me. Should I watch that? Should I go there? Should I drink that? Should I be doing that? Should I pursue that? Should I say that? Seeing the story of Daniel unpacked has caused me to really think about these things. While some of those things are "OK" and seem harmless if I don't find some way to be different I will emerge changed by the world.
I have even thought about the small ways I respond to life; how people see me respond in situations that are difficult. Even more practical are the simple things; like how I react when life gets interrupted or how I respond to the slow check-out clerk or the "incompetentcy" that surrounds me:-). Am I too much in the world that it has gobbled me up? Or am I growing and thriving despite the world?
Also, I am really the kind of person that cares WAY TOO MUCH about what people think. I seem to always be worried about making sure no one thinks I am "different". I might as well be saying..."I just want people to like me!!" How shallow! Wow, I sound like one of my Jr. High girls telling me that she just wants to have friends. It's like I think being a Christian in today's world is supposed to go off seemlessly.....Just be a Christian, the world will think that is so very cool! Seeing that visual today reminded me that standing out is just that........showing how you are different. I should expect it to be uncomfortable. As you go through the book of Daniel it is clear that he and his friends indeed experienced some pretty uncomfortable times. (To date, I have yet to be thrown into a firey furnace!) Yet, they emerged strengthend and caused great change among them.
I may just have to print off this picture...put one on the fridge, one on my desk at work to remind me that I am a citizen of Jerusalem living in the City of Babylon.I pray that I can find ways to show this difference and emerge strengthened in my faith.
Monday, August 1, 2011
BFFs 4-evah~
I ended June's Journeys with GUESTS...nah make that "family". The Rogers traveled all the way from sunny California to super HOT MISSOURI and spent 11 days with us. We joked that she spent so much time here she started to make friends. Again BOOOOOOO to me for taking very few pictures!!! Ugh! Everyday I said I NEED TO GET MY CAMERA OUT! Kelly was great to post pics on her go to her posts from July and you can get a snapshot of what we did. It was SUPER FUN!!!! While Kelly and I have been good about trying to see each other at least every two years, the kids hadn't seen each other for 6 years. It really didn't seem that way at all. We were crammed up in our house (much too hot to spend long periods of time anywhere not with AC) and had a blast. We played games, watched movies and just HUNG OUT~ Fires in the evening and no bedtimes and sleeping in were high on our agendas. We are so very thankful to have had this special time with them. We all have talked about going to see them when they move to Washington. Seriously....why do we keep moving further away from each other?? (or is it more farther... hee hee)
We were restaging a picture from the last time we visited them in CALIFORNIA.
I love this special friend (and her kiddos too) and was so glad she took the time to drive BY HERSELF with FOUR CHILDREN to come and see us. And by the way, she drove STRAIGHT THROUGH on her way home ....28.5 hours! But like we say...once you see a NO VACANCY...make puns and keep driving baby...keep driving!
Love you Kel!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
June's Journeys.
My summer literally began in the doctor's office. I have been trying to get to the bottom of a two year long struggle with what they believe to be some sort of autoimmune disease. I was able to get into a rheumatologist on June 1st as my issues are centered around problems with my joints. It has been an up and down battle since the summer of 2009. But this past Spring when I found it difficult some mornings to get out of bed, open up a jar, or button up my shirt I headed to the doctor determined to find out what is up. I have been told I have the beginning stages of Rhuematoid Arthritis. But it still not 100% sure. I have been on a couple of medications which I am not too crazy about. (However on the flip side I did find out that my Walgreen points have skyrocketed with these perscriptions I have been trying. I am thinking it will fund some back to school supplies.) Consequently I have been looking into other remedies and things I should be doing. While my bloodwork does not show positive for RA, my "sed rate" (aka how fast my red blood cells fall) is high and continues to climb. One thing I am trying are nutrition changes. I have run across a few interesting research studies.

My favorite one has been what I call the CAVEMAN DIET. It is like going back to eating like the hunters and gatherers did way long ago. Of course my favorite part was that they did allow small amounts of coffee as acceptable which every other diet says NO COFFEE!!! Of course if you know me you know... that is a HUGE sacrifice for me. I have had various levels of success with this new venture. Some days have fared batter than others. I know the food changes will work but find it so hard to do it as it takes lots of planning and COOKING! And again, if you know me....UGH..not a big kitchen person. But I enter the month of August here in just about 48 hours with new resolve and hope that the changes will make a difference when I go back to the doctors for a followup in November. I promise I am not going crazy with the whole "caveman thing" but it seems the route that makes most sense for me right now. There will be no pics posted of me gnawing on a huge turkey leg (apologies to 'Krispy') nor will I be hunting each day for my dinner. I actually downloaded the cookbook and was encouraged by the yummy recipes that are basically just eating good and I am thinking that my family will like it too.
Other than trying to change my LIFE LONG BAD HABITS I have had a great summer. The girls and I headed east June 1st. We made it to my parents house and celebrated my Dad's 75th birthday. We spent about 10 days with them and enjoyed swimming, shopping and crafting. I also worked on scrapbooks for my brothers. It was a blast to sift through old photographs and reminisce about growing up. Some pictures just spoke volumes and took me back to moments that were so clear in my mind it seemed like yesterday. The girls and I also went with my Mom to see Aunt Lois and my cousin Melissa and her family. I really enjoyed catching up everyone. We had a great time being there and it gave me a time to rest and relax. We were super excited to be there for my Dad's 75th birthday. What a great Dad and Pappy we have!

We ALWAYS love a visit with Aunt Lois.

The girls were excited to see Elizabeth and Anna. Missi and I determined it had been three years since we had gotten together. We had such a great time catching up with thier family.

After Pennsyvlania we traveled to Virginia for 2 weeks. We had such a RELAXING time. I felt like someone needed to scoop me off of the floor it was so relaxing. Of course when I look back at my pictures I realize I took NO pictures of the people who made it that way for me. I am thinking that is because usually the relaxing part involved being poolside and NO ONE wants a picture taken POOLSIDE! WOW, did we ever enjoy our time with the Haleys, the Thomases (or is it Thomas'or Thomas's... that's for you Julie T.)and the Davenports and of course the GRAND HOSTESSES...the Stuckeys. Those friendships mean so much to our family and are such a comfortable fit. Each of these families have big pieces of our hearts....they are forever friends~
We love our "Virginia Cousins"

We capped of our month long journey with a visit to the BEACH! My parents rented a house in Ocean City, New Jersey and we all converged the last week in June. It was a great time celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and a super time spending time with family. One downside to living so far from everyone is that "getting together" is harder. Even though we do it just a few times a year, now it is even more difficult. We played games, shared meals, talked, walked the boardwalk, bought hermit crabs, ate ice-cream and just had a fantastic time!

I love this picture! After about 10 jumps my brother finally caught the shot on his phone.
Yeah, pretty June was nothing less than perfect!!
My favorite one has been what I call the CAVEMAN DIET. It is like going back to eating like the hunters and gatherers did way long ago. Of course my favorite part was that they did allow small amounts of coffee as acceptable which every other diet says NO COFFEE!!! Of course if you know me you know... that is a HUGE sacrifice for me. I have had various levels of success with this new venture. Some days have fared batter than others. I know the food changes will work but find it so hard to do it as it takes lots of planning and COOKING! And again, if you know me....UGH..not a big kitchen person. But I enter the month of August here in just about 48 hours with new resolve and hope that the changes will make a difference when I go back to the doctors for a followup in November. I promise I am not going crazy with the whole "caveman thing" but it seems the route that makes most sense for me right now. There will be no pics posted of me gnawing on a huge turkey leg (apologies to 'Krispy') nor will I be hunting each day for my dinner. I actually downloaded the cookbook and was encouraged by the yummy recipes that are basically just eating good and I am thinking that my family will like it too.
Other than trying to change my LIFE LONG BAD HABITS I have had a great summer. The girls and I headed east June 1st. We made it to my parents house and celebrated my Dad's 75th birthday. We spent about 10 days with them and enjoyed swimming, shopping and crafting. I also worked on scrapbooks for my brothers. It was a blast to sift through old photographs and reminisce about growing up. Some pictures just spoke volumes and took me back to moments that were so clear in my mind it seemed like yesterday. The girls and I also went with my Mom to see Aunt Lois and my cousin Melissa and her family. I really enjoyed catching up everyone. We had a great time being there and it gave me a time to rest and relax. We were super excited to be there for my Dad's 75th birthday. What a great Dad and Pappy we have!
We ALWAYS love a visit with Aunt Lois.
The girls were excited to see Elizabeth and Anna. Missi and I determined it had been three years since we had gotten together. We had such a great time catching up with thier family.
After Pennsyvlania we traveled to Virginia for 2 weeks. We had such a RELAXING time. I felt like someone needed to scoop me off of the floor it was so relaxing. Of course when I look back at my pictures I realize I took NO pictures of the people who made it that way for me. I am thinking that is because usually the relaxing part involved being poolside and NO ONE wants a picture taken POOLSIDE! WOW, did we ever enjoy our time with the Haleys, the Thomases (or is it Thomas'or Thomas's... that's for you Julie T.)and the Davenports and of course the GRAND HOSTESSES...the Stuckeys. Those friendships mean so much to our family and are such a comfortable fit. Each of these families have big pieces of our hearts....they are forever friends~
We love our "Virginia Cousins"
We capped of our month long journey with a visit to the BEACH! My parents rented a house in Ocean City, New Jersey and we all converged the last week in June. It was a great time celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and a super time spending time with family. One downside to living so far from everyone is that "getting together" is harder. Even though we do it just a few times a year, now it is even more difficult. We played games, shared meals, talked, walked the boardwalk, bought hermit crabs, ate ice-cream and just had a fantastic time!
I love this picture! After about 10 jumps my brother finally caught the shot on his phone.
Yeah, pretty June was nothing less than perfect!!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
"But God",....and a carton of eggs!
There's nothing like a box of resurrection eggs to set the tone of your heart. There's nothing like children discussing the meaning of the contents of each egg with such assured faith and understanding to redirect your spirit. There's nothing like a carton of resurrection eggs to bring out the reminder of why we can live a life full of hope. Sometimes I amaze myself how I can allow my mind to wander into the realm of itself! I allow my fears and shortcomings to direct my attention away from what I know to be truth, what I know to be real, what I know to be forever. It seems that the trials I face are too big or too much of my own doing to be put at the feet of Jesus. I feel like I am constantly wooed by the things of this earth that are temperal and just....not true. I flirt with those things that take me from what I have known to be true.
I have found myself, this week, with my heart turned towards the sacrifice that was made on my behalf. I have had somewhat of an attitude adjustment when those doubts creep in. I have been reminded. I have been encouraged. I have been directed that when I feel those doubts encroaching on my life to replace it with a BUT GOD....
BUT my strength. I can endure all things.
BUT GOD....loves those who hate us, No one can rob me of joy.
BUT GOD....knows my every need, I need not worry about any of them.
BUT GOD....forgives and forgets even when I fail Him daily.
BUT GOD....has the power to change lives, no matter!
BUT faithful, He will not disappoint me.
BUT in control of all the details of my life,(even those that seem trivial)
BUT GOD....knows my future and has a special plan for my life.
BUT GOD....knows my shortcomings and still desires me
BUT GOD....desires to complete me and use me
BUT GOD....loves me, despite of me
BUT GOD....died for me, overcame the grave, and lives to love.
I love the lyrics to Matt Mahr's song: I have found myself playing and replaying it. It reminds me of the power I have in the ressurection of the cross. It reminds me of his unending love and desire for me!
I flirt with the world
It steals my love for You
My fear grips my faith
And I am left unmoved
Your gaze stops my heart
Your voice fills the dark
Your love is the spark that lights this life
So we rise
Out of the depths you cry
Come and be satisfied
Father, You sing
Father, You sing over Your children
You quiet the storm
Inside my shipwrecked soul
Your spirit will lead
It calls the wayward home
At the sound of Your name
Our sin is washed away
In Christ we're crucified
In You we die, in You we rise
Out of the depths you cry
Come and be satisfied
Father, You sing
Father, You sing over Your children
Let us see through Your eyes
We are Your great delight
Father You sing
Father, You sing over Your children
And we're singing along
Your daughters and sons
We're singing Your song
We are Your children
Out of the depths you cry
Come and be satisfied
Father, You sing
Father, You sing over Your children
Let us see through Your eyes
We are Your great delight
Father, You sing
Father, You sing over Your children
Of course the best thing about doing Ressurection Eggs is anticipating that last egg...the empty egg. For "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" HE HAS RISEN, HE HAS RISEN INDEED!
Monday, March 28, 2011
6, NO...7 things you do when you're 7! Seeing life through my youngest.
This past Friday I took my youngest for some pre-birthday shopping. Pappy and Mimi sent a Kohl's card a little early so that Ellie could buy a new outfit. We set out, just the two of us on Friday night, and I learned quite a bit seeing life through the eyes of an almost 7 year old.
First, counting to 100 helps the time pass by faster. We live quite a bit away from...well, most things. Ellie's latest question when we are in the car has been, "How many times do I have to count to 100 before we get there?" It was amazing how many different ways we can count to 100! Of course everytime she asks the infamous questions her next statement is.."Count with me Mom!" Since we were in the car alone and didn't risk driving anyone nuts...we counted to 100 in some pretty interesting ways. I actually was laughing and it really did make the 30 minute trek go much faster! (I am kind of hoping she is out of this phase, however, when we head east this summer)
Secondly, getting to and from stores is much more fun when you go...."1.2.3....JUMP!" I think we entered each place (STARBUCKS, KOHLS, PANERA) with a "Ready Mom, 1,2,3...jump!" It also comes in handy when there are mud puddles everywhere!
Thirdly, being able to try on whatever you want and not being in a rush is WAY MORE FUN than being in a hurry. It also teaches an almost 7 year old "Born to Shop" kind of kid how to decide what she really, reallly, really wants without going over her birthday limit.
Fourth, Having someone to watch you make a rockstar entrance with each outfit not only does a person good, it also provides entertainment for everyone around. I thought the older gentleman was going to fall off his chair each time Ellie would come out and say, "Seriously Mom, seriously, you are going to love this!" His wife even had her arm motions down to a tee.
Fifth, Almost 7 year olds have lots to say when you take the time to listen. I think most of the night my mouth was silent but my ears and heart were filled. I wish I would listen more!
Sixth, when you go out to eat, anticipating the buzzer to light up and buzz is such A FUN GAME especially when your almost 7 year old doesn't know that you can see the worker behind the panera bar prepping your meal and you pretend to be a physic and count down and point to the buzzer and "make" it go off at exactly the precise moment!
Lastly, when you've had a full night and your almost 7 year old sits down at Panera and after we pray looks at you and says..."So, Mom,...How are YOU?...let's talk!" Well, what's there to do other than melt right there on the spot!
Yep, seeing life through the eyes of an almost 7 year old is pretty much of a "tone setter" My heart is full of the lessons this kid teaches me.
First, counting to 100 helps the time pass by faster. We live quite a bit away from...well, most things. Ellie's latest question when we are in the car has been, "How many times do I have to count to 100 before we get there?" It was amazing how many different ways we can count to 100! Of course everytime she asks the infamous questions her next statement is.."Count with me Mom!" Since we were in the car alone and didn't risk driving anyone nuts...we counted to 100 in some pretty interesting ways. I actually was laughing and it really did make the 30 minute trek go much faster! (I am kind of hoping she is out of this phase, however, when we head east this summer)
Secondly, getting to and from stores is much more fun when you go...."1.2.3....JUMP!" I think we entered each place (STARBUCKS, KOHLS, PANERA) with a "Ready Mom, 1,2,3...jump!" It also comes in handy when there are mud puddles everywhere!
Thirdly, being able to try on whatever you want and not being in a rush is WAY MORE FUN than being in a hurry. It also teaches an almost 7 year old "Born to Shop" kind of kid how to decide what she really, reallly, really wants without going over her birthday limit.
Fourth, Having someone to watch you make a rockstar entrance with each outfit not only does a person good, it also provides entertainment for everyone around. I thought the older gentleman was going to fall off his chair each time Ellie would come out and say, "Seriously Mom, seriously, you are going to love this!" His wife even had her arm motions down to a tee.
Fifth, Almost 7 year olds have lots to say when you take the time to listen. I think most of the night my mouth was silent but my ears and heart were filled. I wish I would listen more!
Sixth, when you go out to eat, anticipating the buzzer to light up and buzz is such A FUN GAME especially when your almost 7 year old doesn't know that you can see the worker behind the panera bar prepping your meal and you pretend to be a physic and count down and point to the buzzer and "make" it go off at exactly the precise moment!
Lastly, when you've had a full night and your almost 7 year old sits down at Panera and after we pray looks at you and says..."So, Mom,...How are YOU?...let's talk!" Well, what's there to do other than melt right there on the spot!
Yep, seeing life through the eyes of an almost 7 year old is pretty much of a "tone setter" My heart is full of the lessons this kid teaches me.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Proud of my gals!
Last week our school had their Spring Program. It was absolutely wonderful. The kids donned their fedoras and big jazzy ties! The gym was transformed into a "Cougar Coffee House" with a Jazz theme! They served coffee and baked goods before the concert and decorated in a Mardi Gras/Jazz style. Our audience sat at tables and enjoyed a coffee house style performance with singing, band performances and the middle school students sharing original poetry. Both Kathryn and Julia performed in the band, and they shared an original piece of poetry. It was a proud Mom moment!
I am just realizing that I do not have a saved (on computer) copy of Kathryn's poem, "Music". I will have to post that another time. Her presentation of the poem was exceptional! Both Julia and Kathryn have the gift of rhyme which makes their Mama proud. (I did include another poem that Kathryn wrote during our poetry unit)
Expo Markers and teachers
Desks and books
Minds in deep thought
Or that’s the way it looks
Thinking and working
You can’t be a fool
The loud slam of lockers
This is what makes school
By Kathryn Yoder
The Performance
Your heart is beating very fast
The crowd before you, so very vast
You begin sweat
And start to regret
Standing there
a hot sweaty mess
Surely they can hear
the pounding of your heart
But, there’s no turning back
The performance must start
You walk up on stage
to begin sharing
You try to begin…
But everyone’s staring!
You try one more time….
And to your delight
Your voice becomes clear…..
You feel no more fright
When you are through
the crowd is roaring
You take a bow
Your mind is soaring…
It truly was the best performance!
By Julia Yoder
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Vocab lessons, puking kids, and broken dryers and other things that make me EXUBERANT!
I absolutely love it when I am teaching and the Lord speaks to me! A couple of weeks ago I was teaching a vocabulary lesson and one of the words we were discussing was exuberant.
When we were discussing this word I asked the class to talk about things that make them exuberant! One of the parts of the lesson was for them to act out the meaning of the word. Their ideas were interesting and of course the charade for exuberant was acted out in an exaggerated manner. But I was prompted in my spirit to examine my attitude of exuberance towards things that happen in my life, every little bit of it! Of course thinking about thoughts like that when life is "good" makes you feel all spiritual inside. But He used that vocab lesson to prepare me for the recent events in my life.This past week has proven to test my exuberance levels.
About a week ago our dryer broke and Eric and I have spent several of our evenings at the laundry mat using the huge dryers. We usually try and do a few loads and then head into the laundry mat to dry it all at the same time. Of course you know I joke about living out in the middle of nowhere, so a trip to the laundry mat seems more like a huge commitment then an inconvenience across town. We are uncertain whether to fix it or purchase one as we've had so may things "come up" that the thought of having to purchase a dryer makes me want to throw up! Which brings me to my latest test of exuberance levels. I was awoken last night with a puking child. I know we all have times when our kids our sick. For me, it is just the thought of immediately knowing I need to kick it into gear and make sub plans that tends to stress me out. So admist dragging up the extra mattress to the living room for my version of "carpetless triage" and tending to someone puking, I am all the while thinking of how to prepare for my students the next day. When should I call, do I have everything run off, is what I was planning on doing something a sub could get the picture. (by the way, being a perfectionist about sub plans doesn't help the stress levels either!)
However, each time I started to stress this week about the dryer or last night about the pukes and my need to create sub plans I kept remembering the vocabulary word. I specifically remembered how the students acted out what exuberant looks like. Tonight at the laundry mat I created a TOP TEN list of sorts!
10. Spending any amount of time in a laundry mat can make the most thankless person thankful. I am not sterotyping anyone. I remembered all to well the three years of our married life with two small children and having to use a laundry mat every week! But seriously, I found myself rejoicing that this was just a temporary thing. It was like the most destitute people were at the laundry mat each time I went. It has become a time when I pray as well as think of things for which I am thankful. My life really is a blessed one!
9. Using big dryers takes less time. It also provides immediate folded laundry.... which is an area I can struggle with here at home. I tend to fold laundry "tomorrow"
8. The thought that I could actually live without a dryer and still be OK is a little overwhelming to me. But it did make me think of things that I tend to think of as MUST HAVES, and really are just mere luxuries that I take for granted. We really have so much more than we could ever need.
7. Puking children prompt me to deep clean my house (another area I struggle with)
6. Puking children give you an opportunity to serve without expecting anything in return.
5. A puking chlld (at least mine) provides me with interesting conversations. My youngest, especially in the past 24 hours, has divulged so much information to me that has allowed me to know her better. She has told me stories about things that bother her, or things that are dear to her heart.They were preceded by a "Promise you won't tell anyone?" It has been precious. Today she even had a litany of questions she was asking between each wretch. It was like her mind was purging as well. Her questions and comments ranged from "Do you know some people look at their snot after they blow their nose!" to "Why does God let us throw up?" I love this kid. Though I am exhausted, she has made my heart full the past 24 hours.
4. A broken dryer while having a puking child makes me grateful that it wasn't my WASHER that was broken! It allowed my 3:30 wake up/clean up call to go a lot smoother. I most likely would have thrown away the things I was able to throw in the washer as I am not so great with the handwashing post-puke items!
3. While I would not have planned a sick child today, puking children make me realize that GOD's timing is always perfect. I can count on that, rely on that, believe it that.
2. Broken dryers make us appreciate the things that do work in my home-- my heater, my dishwasher, I have electricity...and so on and so on!
1.Facing broken dryers and puking children with an exuberant spirit is way more beneficial to the soul than being stressed!
So, while I was waiting at the laundry mat I figured I would walk to the Dollar General and get some cleaning stuff. I had used up all of my Clorox today. I shuffled down the sidewalk still in my sweats and my hair pulled back in a pony tail. Make up had not found its way to my face all day. The biggest thing I had going for me is that I did brush my teeth and that maybe I was carrying that dyer-sheet smell with me from the laundry mat. As I was checking out the cashier asked me. "How are you this evening, Mam?" I said exuberantly, "I am great. Thanks, how about you?" He stopped and looked at me and said,"Wow, that's the best repsonse I've gotten all day. You wouldn't believe how many people come in here and seem so...well, grouchy!" I had a quick moment to share with him exactly why I was so exuberant! The opportunity to share with him blessed me so very much.
Vocab lessons, broken dryers and puking kids...yup, they make me exuberant!
Exuberant means effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundant:abounding in vitality; extremely joyful and vigorous; extremely good; overflowing; plentiful
When we were discussing this word I asked the class to talk about things that make them exuberant! One of the parts of the lesson was for them to act out the meaning of the word. Their ideas were interesting and of course the charade for exuberant was acted out in an exaggerated manner. But I was prompted in my spirit to examine my attitude of exuberance towards things that happen in my life, every little bit of it! Of course thinking about thoughts like that when life is "good" makes you feel all spiritual inside. But He used that vocab lesson to prepare me for the recent events in my life.This past week has proven to test my exuberance levels.
About a week ago our dryer broke and Eric and I have spent several of our evenings at the laundry mat using the huge dryers. We usually try and do a few loads and then head into the laundry mat to dry it all at the same time. Of course you know I joke about living out in the middle of nowhere, so a trip to the laundry mat seems more like a huge commitment then an inconvenience across town. We are uncertain whether to fix it or purchase one as we've had so may things "come up" that the thought of having to purchase a dryer makes me want to throw up! Which brings me to my latest test of exuberance levels. I was awoken last night with a puking child. I know we all have times when our kids our sick. For me, it is just the thought of immediately knowing I need to kick it into gear and make sub plans that tends to stress me out. So admist dragging up the extra mattress to the living room for my version of "carpetless triage" and tending to someone puking, I am all the while thinking of how to prepare for my students the next day. When should I call, do I have everything run off, is what I was planning on doing something a sub could get the picture. (by the way, being a perfectionist about sub plans doesn't help the stress levels either!)
However, each time I started to stress this week about the dryer or last night about the pukes and my need to create sub plans I kept remembering the vocabulary word. I specifically remembered how the students acted out what exuberant looks like. Tonight at the laundry mat I created a TOP TEN list of sorts!
10. Spending any amount of time in a laundry mat can make the most thankless person thankful. I am not sterotyping anyone. I remembered all to well the three years of our married life with two small children and having to use a laundry mat every week! But seriously, I found myself rejoicing that this was just a temporary thing. It was like the most destitute people were at the laundry mat each time I went. It has become a time when I pray as well as think of things for which I am thankful. My life really is a blessed one!
9. Using big dryers takes less time. It also provides immediate folded laundry.... which is an area I can struggle with here at home. I tend to fold laundry "tomorrow"
8. The thought that I could actually live without a dryer and still be OK is a little overwhelming to me. But it did make me think of things that I tend to think of as MUST HAVES, and really are just mere luxuries that I take for granted. We really have so much more than we could ever need.
7. Puking children prompt me to deep clean my house (another area I struggle with)
6. Puking children give you an opportunity to serve without expecting anything in return.
5. A puking chlld (at least mine) provides me with interesting conversations. My youngest, especially in the past 24 hours, has divulged so much information to me that has allowed me to know her better. She has told me stories about things that bother her, or things that are dear to her heart.They were preceded by a "Promise you won't tell anyone?" It has been precious. Today she even had a litany of questions she was asking between each wretch. It was like her mind was purging as well. Her questions and comments ranged from "Do you know some people look at their snot after they blow their nose!" to "Why does God let us throw up?" I love this kid. Though I am exhausted, she has made my heart full the past 24 hours.
4. A broken dryer while having a puking child makes me grateful that it wasn't my WASHER that was broken! It allowed my 3:30 wake up/clean up call to go a lot smoother. I most likely would have thrown away the things I was able to throw in the washer as I am not so great with the handwashing post-puke items!
3. While I would not have planned a sick child today, puking children make me realize that GOD's timing is always perfect. I can count on that, rely on that, believe it that.
2. Broken dryers make us appreciate the things that do work in my home-- my heater, my dishwasher, I have electricity...and so on and so on!
1.Facing broken dryers and puking children with an exuberant spirit is way more beneficial to the soul than being stressed!
So, while I was waiting at the laundry mat I figured I would walk to the Dollar General and get some cleaning stuff. I had used up all of my Clorox today. I shuffled down the sidewalk still in my sweats and my hair pulled back in a pony tail. Make up had not found its way to my face all day. The biggest thing I had going for me is that I did brush my teeth and that maybe I was carrying that dyer-sheet smell with me from the laundry mat. As I was checking out the cashier asked me. "How are you this evening, Mam?" I said exuberantly, "I am great. Thanks, how about you?" He stopped and looked at me and said,"Wow, that's the best repsonse I've gotten all day. You wouldn't believe how many people come in here and seem so...well, grouchy!" I had a quick moment to share with him exactly why I was so exuberant! The opportunity to share with him blessed me so very much.
Vocab lessons, broken dryers and puking kids...yup, they make me exuberant!
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