Monday, December 12, 2011
Celebrating Our Ju-Ju Bear!
Ju-Ju Bear, JuCY Box, JU-G! We love our Julia Claire Yoder! I still can't believe that I am embarking on a week where I will begin to say that Julia is 13!
Saying where does the time go seems so trite. But seriously, WHERE DOES THE TIME GO? It seems like just yesterday she was convincing me that she did not want to grow up, and I was convincing her that she would indeed survive Kindergarten. Wow, those were 12 trying weeks of tears every morning. But I look at her now, amazed at how she has overcome her bent towards being shy and has (seemingly overnight) emerged into a beautiful, young lady. I am so proud of my teen and so thankful that I get to be her Mom. I don't ever want to imply that our lives are perfect. Believe me, we have our share of struggles and "growing pains". But, I am so THANKFUL that I can honestly say I enjoy my teenager! I am proud of her and so thankful for her unique gifts and talents!
We had a great night with 5 families joining us to celebrate Julia. We started this tradition with our girls when Kathryn turned 13. We came together with the intent of showering Julia with encouragement and affirmation as she enters this exciting time of her life. We spent the evening reminding her of, not only our love and committment to her, but of God's promises and plan for her life. Eric and I sang "I Bless You!' and even had some great guitar accompaniment as well....thanks Noel!
Each family brought words of encouragment that were shared. We were also excited to have had some family and East Coast friends send some special words (and video) as well. It was a great time of (as someone this evening put it) reminding Julia of "who she is as well as WHOSE she is!"
...not in any particular order..
1) There is never a dull moment when Julia is around. She is the funny one of the family with a quick wit and timing that is impeccable.
2) CREATIVE with a capital C! This girl can create and invent the greatest skits, dance routines, correography, poems, etc. Her recent rendition of "Christmas Is Coming!" had us ALL in stitches and I was laughing so hard I was crying. She is always taking time to include her younger sister in her "shows" as well. I think her creativity is one of her greatest strengths.
3) She is a servant. Her willingness to help and ability to see when help is needed makes her wise beyond her years. Her sensitivity to others has been evident to me since she was a young child. She always seemed to be able to perceive what someone was feeling, thinking, or needing.
4) She is generous. I love to watch her as she sees a need. She immediately seeks ways to meet it. Her commitment to tithing and giving back to the Lord convicts me, encourages me, and humbles me. It is always the first question she asks when she gets money "How much should I tithe?" I have seen the Lord bless her because of this.
5) Julia is a hard worker. I actually was going to type PERFECTIONIST. But I know she gets that honestly. I see her diligence come through in so many different, sports, ....really anything! She is not one to slack, but rather embraces the respsonsibility life brings her way.
6) Julia is growing in her faith. I am delighted with the conversations we have about spiritual things, so thankful for her sincere desire to honor the Lord, and am grateful for the priority she places in her pursuing her relationship with the Lord.
7) Over the past 3 to 5 years there have been times when our family has faced some uncertainties. I have always been so amazed at how Julia has trusted us (without question) and seemed so willing to "go without" or "sacrifice" without complaining. She has a common sense about her of what is truly important, what matters, and of what lasts. It is refreshing.
8) She is my cleaner and organizer. Can I just say it is AWESOME to not have to go behind this girl and check to see if something is done "right".I can always count on her!
9) She is perceptive. She has a keen sense to know the intentions and needs of others. Being in a Junior High setting, she comes across many situations where she sees someone who has been mistreated or others who act in duplicity. It AMAZES me how perceptive she is in regards to this. I am so thankful for her desire to stay out of the DRAMA!
10) One of the things I am most proud of is how Julia has grown in the area of accepting change. My most favorite quote of Julia as we prepared to move is "I hate change. Why do we need change? If you want change so bad...go rearrange the living room. Don't try and change how my life is" It is true that JULIA NEVER liked change...even little changes bothered her. But I have seen her really grow in this area and have been so proud of her.
Julia, I love you more each day and am so thankful to be called your Mom. I love you bunches and am so thankful that you are in our family. I can't wait to celebrate your life this week.
Love you,
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Beautiful post. Another great thing I see in her life....God hand picked two amazing people who pursue Him to be her parents. Well done all around!