I saw a cornstalk this morning sticking straight out of a field of soybeans. The picture is not all that great, but if you look real close you may be able to see it. It has been growing there, thriving admist the soybeans. There have been other stalks that have tried to emerge but have ended up dying off being choked out by the soybeans. I was amazed that out of the entire field of soybeans this stalk of corn has survived and emerged despite its surroundings. It brought to mind the things that have been processing through my mind recently as I have been challenged to consider what I am doing as a Christian that makes me "stand out" from the world. Before I go any further I will let you know that most of these thoughts have been spurred on by listening to a series on Daniel that my brother is currently doing. Here's the link: well worth the listen~ (or you can download the "text" of the sermon and READ IT TOO!
The sermons go through the story of Daniel and remind us of how he was a citizen of Jerusalem and was thrust into Babylon...the direct antithesis of Jerusalem. The key thing that keeps running through my mind is the question, "As a citizen of Jerusalem,what am I doing that sets me apart from the citizens of Babylon?" In other words......What am I actively, purposefully doing so that people see a difference in me? As a believer and follower of Christ do I look different to the world? I don't think that being "nice" is good enough to cut it. I don't think I'm a cranky woman or anything... (don't ask my kids some days!) But, sometimes I feel so immersed in the world that I wonder how much of it has "rubbed" off on me. Should I watch that? Should I go there? Should I drink that? Should I be doing that? Should I pursue that? Should I say that? Seeing the story of Daniel unpacked has caused me to really think about these things. While some of those things are "OK" and seem harmless if I don't find some way to be different I will emerge changed by the world.
I have even thought about the small ways I respond to life; how people see me respond in situations that are difficult. Even more practical are the simple things; like how I react when life gets interrupted or how I respond to the slow check-out clerk or the "incompetentcy" that surrounds me:-). Am I too much in the world that it has gobbled me up? Or am I growing and thriving despite the world?
Also, I am really the kind of person that cares WAY TOO MUCH about what people think. I seem to always be worried about making sure no one thinks I am "different". I might as well be saying..."I just want people to like me!!" How shallow! Wow, I sound like one of my Jr. High girls telling me that she just wants to have friends. It's like I think being a Christian in today's world is supposed to go off seemlessly.....Just be a Christian, the world will think that is so very cool! Seeing that visual today reminded me that standing out is just that........showing how you are different. I should expect it to be uncomfortable. As you go through the book of Daniel it is clear that he and his friends indeed experienced some pretty uncomfortable times. (To date, I have yet to be thrown into a firey furnace!) Yet, they emerged strengthend and caused great change among them.
I may just have to print off this picture...put one on the fridge, one on my desk at work to remind me that I am a citizen of Jerusalem living in the City of Babylon.I pray that I can find ways to show this difference and emerge strengthened in my faith.
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