Many who know me or recieve texts from me probably know that I am beyond frustrated with my phone upgrade. It is far from user friendly and I just don't like it. At any rate, it is an imperative form of our family's communication so I put up with it until I am eligible for my upgrade. The other night, the malfunctions of my phone got the best of me in an unusual way.
I try to find ways to include Eric in the routine of our day. For example, we call him at night to pray with us at bedtime, listen to a story, etc. One night as we sat down to dinner late I had a grand idea. I suggested we call Daddy and let him ask the dinner blessing. We quickly realized he was not there and Ellie was going to leave a message to let him know the purpose of our call. (and the snowball begins rolling down the hill) As she began to leave a message, a discussion emerged between the girls and it caused Ellie to become irritated because she didn't think Daddy could "hear her" leave her message..... and she began to elevate her voice (shocker, I know!)After she left the message I can't even tell you how it all happened. It involved the combination of one of them misusing the venetian blinds on the sliding glass door to block the sun,the other one complaining that the sun was still in her eyes, and of course Ellie's escalating voice. Well, it was all like a big whirlwind.... All I wanted to do was let Daddy pray!
It all got the best of me....My tongue and the volume of my voice (Gee, I wonder where Ellie gets it!)just took over. The girls were staring at me. My heart was racing...After "it" was all over...all you could hear was the chinking of the forks across their plates. That is, until I heard my phone say...."Beep...You have reached your time limit for leaving a message!" Apparently, Ellie had NOT ended her call to Daddy! You got it...Not only had Eric gotten Ellie's message, but my heart was revealed!. No way to explain it away, no way to rationalize, no way...NOTHING! I guess you could say it was not one of my shining Mom moments.
I have since pondered that unforgettable moment, and besides asking for forgiveness from the girls I have thought about what if EVERYTHING I SAID WAS RECORDED FOR ALL TO HEAR! That would certainly make me more cautious about what I say. While I know the chances of that are pretty slim, I do know that the Lord not only hears every word I say and utter under my breath, but He also hears every thought I think. Why doesn't that move me like the "phone recorded outrage!"? It should move me daily. As I struggle in this area I am reminded of the passage in Psalms...
Psalm 19:14
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
I want this to be true when the recorder is on and off!
Consequently the whole episode produced a cool conversation about how the Lord uses the Holy Spirit to convict us and what that it sometimes "feels", etc. So, I guess my Mother of the Year award is going to have to go to someone else this year. But atleast I have a fresh understanding that the words that flow from my mouth come from my heart!So, if I want to control my mouth I need to work on that old heart of mine! And, while I am thankful for this lesson, I still can't wait for my next phone upgrade!
One time Heather accidently called me with her cellphone so I could hear her for a long time interacting with the girls. She was so pleasant and so nice...and it made me really have that same moment you did...I know my "accidently call" wouldn't always sound that nice! Thanks for the wonderful reminder!