Saturday, July 18, 2009

Four Doors & a Bed!

"Four Doors & a Bed!" is what you might hear as you travel down the road with the girls and their Dad. It is "game" that started when he was explaining to the girls what kind of vehicle he wanted. They like to be able to spot one before he does. Those of you who know us , know that we are ....well "vehicularly challenged". I personally have a host of "breakdown" stories that usually involve long trips, smoke billowing out of the hood of my car, being stranded along the highway, etc. You get the picture. So, a Ford F150 --four doors & a bed didn't seem like it would be in our near future! Do not get me wrong....we are so very thankful for the modes of transportation that the Lord has literally bestowed upon us. But they do keep us on our knees! :0)
I was thrilled last month when my husband told me that the company that he is working for offered to allow him to use a company pickup truck. We were thankful that in the Missouri heat he would atleast have AC. (His car does not have AC...I told you we were "vehicularly challenged!"). Well, recently they sold the truck that he was using and consequently did a shuffling of trucks among the company. Guess what he ended up with? A Ford F-150, Four doors & a bed!

When you have a time in your family's life where there is uncertainty or struggle, one thing that eventually emerges is the thankfulness for all things....especially the small things. I love the song that Michael W. Smith sings with the line...."Everywhere I go I see you!" Whenever I listen to it I am challenged to see him in everything. Through our recent trial I have been more consciously aware of God's presence in everything. I feel like I have a heightened awareness of his working in the events of our lives. I see His hand in the small things and even the (gasp!) bad things!
I think it is no coincidence that he is able to drive that truck. But, it is not "getting to use the truck" that pleases me so much. But rather that the truck is just a daily reminder of God's genuine love for his children. He wants to bless me. There are so many other ways that the Lord loves me and provides for me daily. Four doors & a bed is just icing on the cake.
"For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations."

Psalms 100:5

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Julia's Baptism

Julia got baptised today. It is so wonderful to see your children follow the Lord in baptism. As we listened to everyone's story I was encouraged to see how the Lord works in different ways to draw people to Himself. Here is Julia's story: "I came to know the Lord when I was 9. I was having thoughts that scared me about what it would be like if God were not in my life. I knew if I did not accept Christ into my life I would not go to heaven. At first I considered accepting Him into my life nothing but a "get out of jail free card". But over this past year I have learned that being a christian is more than just about making sure I go to heaven. It's also about loving the Lord with all your heart. That's why he created me. I'm learning to live in Christ. Each day I understand about what it means to have him in my life. I want to follow the Lord in baptism."

.....If you look at what Julia is wearing it is the exact outfit that Kathryn wore last year when she got baptised. She has (on her own) called them her "holy" clothes. She cherishes this outfit as a symbol of her committment to Christ. When she outgrew the skirt she insisted that I not give it away, but that she wanted to keep it. When Julia was deciding what to wear, she went and got it. I know it is a little "hokey", but it was a sweet moment. It is a way that has allowed me to see that they see this act of obedience as important, special.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Really Do NOT Like My Phone!

Many who know me or recieve texts from me probably know that I am beyond frustrated with my phone upgrade. It is far from user friendly and I just don't like it. At any rate, it is an imperative form of our family's communication so I put up with it until I am eligible for my upgrade. The other night, the malfunctions of my phone got the best of me in an unusual way.
I try to find ways to include Eric in the routine of our day. For example, we call him at night to pray with us at bedtime, listen to a story, etc. One night as we sat down to dinner late I had a grand idea. I suggested we call Daddy and let him ask the dinner blessing. We quickly realized he was not there and Ellie was going to leave a message to let him know the purpose of our call. (and the snowball begins rolling down the hill) As she began to leave a message, a discussion emerged between the girls and it caused Ellie to become irritated because she didn't think Daddy could "hear her" leave her message..... and she began to elevate her voice (shocker, I know!)After she left the message I can't even tell you how it all happened. It involved the combination of one of them misusing the venetian blinds on the sliding glass door to block the sun,the other one complaining that the sun was still in her eyes, and of course Ellie's escalating voice. Well, it was all like a big whirlwind.... All I wanted to do was let Daddy pray!
It all got the best of me....My tongue and the volume of my voice (Gee, I wonder where Ellie gets it!)just took over. The girls were staring at me. My heart was racing...After "it" was all over...all you could hear was the chinking of the forks across their plates. That is, until I heard my phone say...."Beep...You have reached your time limit for leaving a message!" Apparently, Ellie had NOT ended her call to Daddy! You got it...Not only had Eric gotten Ellie's message, but my heart was revealed!. No way to explain it away, no way to rationalize, no way...NOTHING! I guess you could say it was not one of my shining Mom moments.
I have since pondered that unforgettable moment, and besides asking for forgiveness from the girls I have thought about what if EVERYTHING I SAID WAS RECORDED FOR ALL TO HEAR! That would certainly make me more cautious about what I say. While I know the chances of that are pretty slim, I do know that the Lord not only hears every word I say and utter under my breath, but He also hears every thought I think. Why doesn't that move me like the "phone recorded outrage!"? It should move me daily. As I struggle in this area I am reminded of the passage in Psalms...

Psalm 19:14
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."

I want this to be true when the recorder is on and off!

Consequently the whole episode produced a cool conversation about how the Lord uses the Holy Spirit to convict us and what that it sometimes "feels", etc. So, I guess my Mother of the Year award is going to have to go to someone else this year. But atleast I have a fresh understanding that the words that flow from my mouth come from my heart!So, if I want to control my mouth I need to work on that old heart of mine! And, while I am thankful for this lesson, I still can't wait for my next phone upgrade!

Monday, July 6, 2009

"Mom, your breakfast looks gross!"

"Ewwwwwwww, Uh,'re breakfast looks gross! No offense!" were the words that came from Ellie's mouth as she compared my "breakfast" with her breakfast of Cheerios and a partial donut she had saved from the day before. I laughed because compared to her breakfast my "protein" and "fruit" looked...well, gross!

Almost three years ago I set my mind to lose weight. I really had spiraled quite a bit out of control in that area. I found a program that worked and kept it off for almost 2 years. This past semester, my workload and life in general zapped every ounce of everything I had. I reverted to a regular old college diet....never eating breakfast...grabbing a quick lunch....eating a bagel for dinner...then being starved when I got home from class at 9:30....eating dinner then....staying up until all hours of the night...NEVER exercising... No worries, I have not gained back the 62 pounds I originally lost but some extra "l-b's" have snuck up on me and I have had the hardest time being disciplined! I am committed to getting back down where I feel better, but mostly I want that discipline back.

I read recently that being disciplined in any area is never permanent if it does not begin from within. As I contemplate being disciplined from within that brings to mind a whole host of areas in which I need to be disciplined. I am currently reading a book on raising teenagers ...since I am a burgeoning parent of a teen.(A task I am just beginning to understand!) One area that it talks about is being HONEST with your teen about areas in which you struggle. We can't expect to parent a teen and force expectations that we ourselves struggle with as well....anger, self centeredness, and pride to name a few. It has been a different perspective for me, a different angle to consider as I interact and see opportunities to come along side her and share the root of issues, etc. Of course it humbles me beyond belief because it has knocked me down a few pegs....Oh OK, it has completely knocked me off the ladder.

With Eric being gone I am clear that this is what the Lord wants me to "work on" "learn" "grow in". So, as I eat my gross breakfast I am reminded that more important than shedding this extra poundage...I need to be disciplined from within. That requires me to step up my in His word more, seek ways to serve, love my children,...the list really could go on and on. Not everyday will be perfect. Believe me in the last four weeks I have had many days that were not good! But I am encouraged to know that God is faithful to his promises. The following scripture has been encouraging to me.
ISAIAH 40:28-31
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

My strength will RISE as I wait on the LORD!

I miss my husband terribly...even the things that get on my nerves! (tee hee) but I know that the Lord will use this time to refine me and make me more like HIM. It may take many "gross breakfasts" to accomplish the task. But I am ready. Please excuse me while I go make my "gross dinner!"