I remember walking up to the shop and seeing one familiar face and then saying a short prayer before I walked in. It was something like..."Dear Lord, please help me to feel comfortable!" At first glance they looked like a amiable bunch. If I remember correctly, two of them were knitting, one was showing some school pictures and the other quietly smiling! The time went quickly and I did enjoy their company. I left hoping I would have the courage to return.
Well, 8 months and a bazillion cups of coffee later all I can say is WOW! I truly am thankful for this group of ladies and the ways they have encouraged me. I honestly consider them super heroes for rescuing me each Tuesday from one of my lowest of low times. I have never had such stillness in my life like I did from January through May! It was a needed time of rest and recovery for me, but I sometimes did not like the stillness...the waiting...the alone time! My Tuesday mornings became like therapy to me.
Today was my last time with these Super Heroes so I thought it fitting that I show them my appreciation. I gave them each their own Super Hero name!
Pam was named the PONTIFICATOR! Now, while to pontificate has a pompous connotation I gave her that name because she is such a thinker! She is grounded in her faith and beliefs, and yet listens and is challenged by others. I do not believe a thread of judgement runs through her veins. She is like an incredibly comfortable chair that welcomes you to sit and visit, putting you at ease, and inviting you always.
Sarah was given the name, INCONSPICUATOR! She is quiet (at first) and very sweet, sensitive, and gentle. I liken her to a tea cup....beautiful and lovely and when seen in action she brings warmth to all who get to know her. Also, she is HILARIOUS! I am quite certain that I would not be able to sit next to her at a seminar or any place where I was to behave! Her "inconspicuous" humor has lightened many of conversations!
Carol is to me the CELEBRATOR! Many conversations were held over the past 8 months...her genuineness towards each story shared or victory won was encouraging to me. Her excitement is contagious and her sensitivity towards others is something to be emulated. Her "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee and Clap Clap!" are given with heartfelt sincerity. Of course we weren't always celebrating as we all have burdens we carry with us. I admire her because not only is she a celebrator, but she genuinely is concerned at times when the road is a bit bumpy too!
Stacey was honored with the name INSTIGATOR. Of course that may have many hidden meanings (LOL). I liken her to a long power strip taking people and plugging them in where needed. It is not just that SHE KNOWS EVERYONE AND EVERYONE KNOWS HER (seriously... that is true), but she just makes it her mission to let no person go unplugged. It is truly a gift, and saved me from a long bleak winter! Somedays our coffees would extend to lunches, shopping, trips to the vet. Thanks for plugging me in!
For me...I called myself the SPONGINATOR. I selfishly soaked up everything they poured into me and now feel that I am sopping and soaking and ready to pour into my new venture that takes me away from seeing these wonderful ladies on such a regular basis! I plan to drink a ceremonious cup of coffee each Tuesday Morning as my planning period is during the time that we meet. I will sit back and envision myself sitting with them. My Tuesdays with them will be missed, but I am the better for having had spent time with them. Eric would often refer to this group as the "Coffee Ladies". To me that sounded way too mature! I wanted to think of something a little more hip and "young". Of course no group of super heroes can be without a group name. You have heard of the Justice League?....well meet the JAVA MOMS!
I made them each a JAVA MOM mug after giving them their new Super Hero name. I think it is a good thing I am a teacher and not a professional porcelin mug painter!
Oh Sonja...you have no idea how much you poured in to me...your humor, your kindness...so gentle. I will miss you greatly. And I am praying for LOTS of snow days. We are all so different but it truly looked forward to gathering...LOTS of laughter and encouragement on those heavy days....good for the soul. with lots of love and HUGE respect, Tiffie