This past week I had the wonderful opportunity to be reunited with so many great and wonderful friends. The girls and I went to New Jersey for a wedding by way of Virginia with a pitstop in PA! It has been a great week full of a whirlwind of activities, lots of conversations, little sleep, and lots and lots of laughter.We were happy to be able to squeeze in a couple of nights with Mimi and Pappy before heading back to Missouri. I have basically spent the last seven days spending time with loved ones. I am ready to leave tomorrow morning with a full heart, with a deeper understanding of how very blessed I am, and with a lesson learned.
We have been in Missouri for a little over a year now. While we do feel settled, there is, of course, a deep connection and "missing" of friends and family that are now separted from us by atleast 5 or more states. Some days we have struggled more with our move than others. However, time has allowed us to become more acclimated to our new home and has afforded us the opportunity to form relationships and become more connected to our Missouri setting.
It was as I drove down familiar Virginia streets that my heart was conflicted. I severly miss the familiar places, the special faces, the things that made our home....home! I drove down familiar streets literally with tears brimming, I met with dear friends, shared meals with loved ones, and "caught up" with so many dear people. It was like I was waiting to get that feeling, that notion, that we would be better off if we just moved back east! But it never came. Instead, I was reminded of the many things that have happened in our hearts and in our lives this past year. This trip has slowly become a confirmation of our move. With each get together and each encounter with "familiar" I sensed a resolve in my heart that the Lord has moved us to Missouri with purpose. Many of those purposes have actually already been fulfilled. But this trip has been for me a way of letting go. Not letting go of friends, but letting go of the fact that Lynchburg is my home. The conflict within my heart bothered me because I felt that letting go was synonomous with forgetting. My trip clearly has demonstrated to me that there is no possible way I can forget the many places and people that have helped make me who I am today. However, it has also encouraged me to realize in a deeper way that God's plan is so much deeper and better than anything I could have ever imagined.
I have had A LOT of time in the car. In other words, I have been thinking most of this trip. The Lord has shown me that there are other things I hold on to, not just dear friends from a former hometown. But more seriously, I hold on to so many things in my life that I feel like I should be able to control. In fact, I spend so much time trying to keep them firm in my grasp I miss out on the lessons that the Lord intends for me to learn. It is in fully surrendering those things I so firmly hold on to that I am truly able to receive and understand God's working in my life.
I believe the Lord has great things in store for our family in 2011. I think in order for us to be ready for them we had to be plucked from all that we loved and called our own so that we might be more open to hear what he has to say.
I begin 2011 with a full heart of what has been, and contentment for what is to be!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Morning Reflections
I will admit up front that the idea I got late last night was out of regret. The past few weeks our advent celebrations have seemed slack at best. I started a few years ago the tradition of hiding the baby Jesus for the girls to find each morning and correlating the reading of advent scripture to go along with the advent celebration. I was disappointed with how I allowed my tired body to rule over getting up a little early each morning to make it happen. We did "do the baby Jesus" (as Ellie would say every morning), but just not as much as I would have liked.
Since our last day of school on Wednesday I have tried to redirect our busy hearts (and my tired body) towards what it is we are exactly celebrating. I was beginning to revive my advent spirit. Back to my idea.....
Last night as I was setting the table for Christmas breakfast I had the idea to place a figure from the nativity set on each of our place settings to spark some discussion of what that person was thinking on Christmas morning. Our discussion was great! Ellie had the baby Jesus. She commented that even though babies can't think that he was thinking..."I can't wait to be with God!" We discussed what Mary knew about Christ's ultimate destiny on the cross, the fear of the shepherds and how Joseph must have overcome some serious issues to trust God for his future and continue caring for and loving Mary.

On my plate sat one of the wisemen. My first thought was that they most likely were feeling awe and wonder at the sight of Jesus. But then I started to think about the fact that they didn't even see Jesus on Christmas morning, they were still searching, looking, hoping. As our discussion continued we realized that they maintained their hopefulness despite their continued search. We thought about the satisfaction they must have felt when they finally did find him. We know that they searched for such a long time and that they must have had such a confirmation in their spirit when they saw him. It is a great feeling to have affirmation of something you have studied, searched for, believed in and then finally get an answer to!
Oh to have the endurance of a wisemen each day. Often times I lose endurance waiting for the "Lord to be found" admist my circumstances and journey in life. He has proved himself to us over and over. I should never wane in my search for him in every circumstance of my life. Acknowledging this should be something that is always in my heart and never far from my lips. I have been learning to live in the hope of our Savior. In the hope of his sovereignty. In the hope of the grace and mercy that he pours over us daily.
Countless times this past year we have stopped and "found" the Lord in our journey. We have "found" him admist our stress and our times of relief. We have found him in times of trouble and in times of joy. We have sensed him in times of famine and in times of feast. We have been filled with such awe and wonder the very moment when we realize and know that He is there, He is in it, He is in control.
Christmas morning is almost a memory. I sit here watching the girls work on a puzzle with Christmas music playing in the background. Ellie already has on a new outfit and it presently singing Away in A Manger to herself as she sits and organizes her stocking goodies. I am thankful for the awe and wonder of the birth of our Savior, Jesus. I am praying for a year of learning to seek him each day like a wiseman....unrelenting, with great intentions, unwavering, and being ready with the gift of my heart in hand to offer to the Lord.
My regrets of slack advent celebrations have melted away. I am encouraged to know that seeking him is not just an advent thing anyway. It's a daily thing. It's a learning process. It's something I will never be done doing until the day when I can actually bow down before Him and honor him like the wisemen did.
Since our last day of school on Wednesday I have tried to redirect our busy hearts (and my tired body) towards what it is we are exactly celebrating. I was beginning to revive my advent spirit. Back to my idea.....
Last night as I was setting the table for Christmas breakfast I had the idea to place a figure from the nativity set on each of our place settings to spark some discussion of what that person was thinking on Christmas morning. Our discussion was great! Ellie had the baby Jesus. She commented that even though babies can't think that he was thinking..."I can't wait to be with God!" We discussed what Mary knew about Christ's ultimate destiny on the cross, the fear of the shepherds and how Joseph must have overcome some serious issues to trust God for his future and continue caring for and loving Mary.
On my plate sat one of the wisemen. My first thought was that they most likely were feeling awe and wonder at the sight of Jesus. But then I started to think about the fact that they didn't even see Jesus on Christmas morning, they were still searching, looking, hoping. As our discussion continued we realized that they maintained their hopefulness despite their continued search. We thought about the satisfaction they must have felt when they finally did find him. We know that they searched for such a long time and that they must have had such a confirmation in their spirit when they saw him. It is a great feeling to have affirmation of something you have studied, searched for, believed in and then finally get an answer to!
Oh to have the endurance of a wisemen each day. Often times I lose endurance waiting for the "Lord to be found" admist my circumstances and journey in life. He has proved himself to us over and over. I should never wane in my search for him in every circumstance of my life. Acknowledging this should be something that is always in my heart and never far from my lips. I have been learning to live in the hope of our Savior. In the hope of his sovereignty. In the hope of the grace and mercy that he pours over us daily.
Countless times this past year we have stopped and "found" the Lord in our journey. We have "found" him admist our stress and our times of relief. We have found him in times of trouble and in times of joy. We have sensed him in times of famine and in times of feast. We have been filled with such awe and wonder the very moment when we realize and know that He is there, He is in it, He is in control.
Christmas morning is almost a memory. I sit here watching the girls work on a puzzle with Christmas music playing in the background. Ellie already has on a new outfit and it presently singing Away in A Manger to herself as she sits and organizes her stocking goodies. I am thankful for the awe and wonder of the birth of our Savior, Jesus. I am praying for a year of learning to seek him each day like a wiseman....unrelenting, with great intentions, unwavering, and being ready with the gift of my heart in hand to offer to the Lord.
My regrets of slack advent celebrations have melted away. I am encouraged to know that seeking him is not just an advent thing anyway. It's a daily thing. It's a learning process. It's something I will never be done doing until the day when I can actually bow down before Him and honor him like the wisemen did.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Living Life Out Loud
Nothing puts life in perspective like death. This past week our church has mourned the loss of our pastor's wife. Her death was unexpected, unanticipated, and caught everyone off guard. It was as if the wind was taken from the sails of our congregation.
Gloria and Randy were actually on a trip celebrating their anniversary when she passed. It goes without saying that his life is forever changed. Today at her
funeral we witnessed a great act of worship. It was known by anyone who knew her that she loved music. The worship we experienced was as close to heaven as I have ever experienced. What a joy to celebrate someone's life in such a way. I know she would have been in awe of the way the worship was carried out today. The songs chosen drew our attention to the whole reason we live, to honor the Lord! The fact that our Pastor spoke was touching.The reality of his message echoed the faithfulness of God and our need of a Savior.
Honestly I didn't know Gloria that well. I actually feel like I know her better now that I have heard the eulogies and adulations given about her over the last week. She is remembered as a person who was not afraid to live out loud, and had a song in heart that was never far from her lips. She really made an impact on those she encountered. We haven't been here for even a year. Consequently, my personal contact with her has been somewhat limited. But from the moment I heard of her passing one conversation we did have came to mind. It will be remembered forever.
One Sunday a handful of women were sitting at a table enjoying a cup of coffee and conversation. Someone inquired to her if she was going to be involoved in an event that was coming up this fall. I gathered from the conversation that it was something she "usually" did. She paused and then said "No, I'm not." After another slight pause she went on to explain that recently the Lord had told her that He was preparing her for something. She indicated she didn't know exactly what this "thing" was, but that He indeed "had big plans for her this fall." I remembering listening to that comment and being challenged by her words. I am often a person who plows into things head first, not stopping to see if the Lord indeed desires me to. It encouraged me to acknowledege that the Lord indeed has plans for our lives, but we need to be willing to take time to listen to them. I was inspired by her sensitivity to the Lord.
I have been thinking this week that Gloria had no idea that His plan was to call her home, to call her to Himself and allow her to sit at His VERY feet and sing.(something she truly desired). Even still, her desire was to yeild to Him. I was inspired today thinking about that conversation realizing that the Lord has a plan for us all. He created us with a special purpose in mind. Gloria's purpose here on earth was clearly laid out today. She was a woman who was loved and a woman who loved!
We sang a lot (I mean A LOT) of songs today. Every song spoke of the faithfulness of God and made our hearts turn heavenward. It made me long for the day when we will be given the opportunity to worship our Lord face to face. I pray that until then I will have a heart that is sensitive to know what the Lord is guiding me to do. That I will not just know He has a plan for me, but that I will be sensitive to yeilding to it, unashamedly!
Sometimes life as we know it gets so busy and distracts us. It is days like today that bring me back in,that encourage my heart that there is more to this life! As we live out our lives may we be encouraged to "live to know Him here on earth!" and live out loud!
Gloria and Randy were actually on a trip celebrating their anniversary when she passed. It goes without saying that his life is forever changed. Today at her
funeral we witnessed a great act of worship. It was known by anyone who knew her that she loved music. The worship we experienced was as close to heaven as I have ever experienced. What a joy to celebrate someone's life in such a way. I know she would have been in awe of the way the worship was carried out today. The songs chosen drew our attention to the whole reason we live, to honor the Lord! The fact that our Pastor spoke was touching.The reality of his message echoed the faithfulness of God and our need of a Savior.
Honestly I didn't know Gloria that well. I actually feel like I know her better now that I have heard the eulogies and adulations given about her over the last week. She is remembered as a person who was not afraid to live out loud, and had a song in heart that was never far from her lips. She really made an impact on those she encountered. We haven't been here for even a year. Consequently, my personal contact with her has been somewhat limited. But from the moment I heard of her passing one conversation we did have came to mind. It will be remembered forever.
One Sunday a handful of women were sitting at a table enjoying a cup of coffee and conversation. Someone inquired to her if she was going to be involoved in an event that was coming up this fall. I gathered from the conversation that it was something she "usually" did. She paused and then said "No, I'm not." After another slight pause she went on to explain that recently the Lord had told her that He was preparing her for something. She indicated she didn't know exactly what this "thing" was, but that He indeed "had big plans for her this fall." I remembering listening to that comment and being challenged by her words. I am often a person who plows into things head first, not stopping to see if the Lord indeed desires me to. It encouraged me to acknowledege that the Lord indeed has plans for our lives, but we need to be willing to take time to listen to them. I was inspired by her sensitivity to the Lord.
I have been thinking this week that Gloria had no idea that His plan was to call her home, to call her to Himself and allow her to sit at His VERY feet and sing.(something she truly desired). Even still, her desire was to yeild to Him. I was inspired today thinking about that conversation realizing that the Lord has a plan for us all. He created us with a special purpose in mind. Gloria's purpose here on earth was clearly laid out today. She was a woman who was loved and a woman who loved!
We sang a lot (I mean A LOT) of songs today. Every song spoke of the faithfulness of God and made our hearts turn heavenward. It made me long for the day when we will be given the opportunity to worship our Lord face to face. I pray that until then I will have a heart that is sensitive to know what the Lord is guiding me to do. That I will not just know He has a plan for me, but that I will be sensitive to yeilding to it, unashamedly!
Sometimes life as we know it gets so busy and distracts us. It is days like today that bring me back in,that encourage my heart that there is more to this life! As we live out our lives may we be encouraged to "live to know Him here on earth!" and live out loud!
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won't turn back
I know you are near
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?
Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me
And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We'll live to know You here on the earth
Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thinking Heavenward
Have you ever had one of those days, those weeks, those months...where you realize that the Lord is incessantly trying to break through to you with a life-lesson of sorts? It seems as though recently the Lord has been bombarding me with circumstances and situations that all seem to direct me to the question, "Am I really living with a focus that is heavenward?"
It is almost hard to put into words what I have felt, experienced, and have been challenged with over the past month. It has been a conglomeration of so many different things. I recently have tried to use my "free" time in a more focused manner. Please realize that I use the term "free time" rather loosely. I feel as though my life is wound a bit tight so this free time usually is spent in the car or is between the hours of 10:00-12:00 at night. I sometimes listen to my i-pod or just try to spend time in solitude. I recently have been listening to a song on one of my tracks that narrows down what I feel the Lord has been trying to teach me. It is an old hymn that I have found myself playing over and over.
I am more convinced and aware of the constant and unending distractions that interfere with me keeping a heavenward that keeps me near the cross...remembering the whole reason I live. Living free of those distractions is such a delicate balance. But the Lord has challenged my deepest and inner motives in so many areas of my life,areas in which I would have quickly claimed that I had no problems or issues. I have been challenged to think about what exactly I am living for each day. I have been challenged to examine my heart and have discovered areas that need tending to...that need to be directed "near the cross".
While it has been a time of conviction, it has also been so encouraging to think of all that the Lord has done for me. His grace and mercy that covers me and is ENOUGH! I realize that as I stay "near the cross" I will not wait in shame. I am able to thrive and grow and experience the life He has intended.
My heart is challenged. My life is changing. My God is oh so very good!
It is almost hard to put into words what I have felt, experienced, and have been challenged with over the past month. It has been a conglomeration of so many different things. I recently have tried to use my "free" time in a more focused manner. Please realize that I use the term "free time" rather loosely. I feel as though my life is wound a bit tight so this free time usually is spent in the car or is between the hours of 10:00-12:00 at night. I sometimes listen to my i-pod or just try to spend time in solitude. I recently have been listening to a song on one of my tracks that narrows down what I feel the Lord has been trying to teach me. It is an old hymn that I have found myself playing over and over.
Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain
Free to all, a healing stream
Flows from Calvary’s mountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
Love and mercy found me;
There the bright and morning star
Sheds its beams around me.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day,
With its shadows o’er me.
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand,
Just beyond the river.
I am more convinced and aware of the constant and unending distractions that interfere with me keeping a heavenward that keeps me near the cross...remembering the whole reason I live. Living free of those distractions is such a delicate balance. But the Lord has challenged my deepest and inner motives in so many areas of my life,areas in which I would have quickly claimed that I had no problems or issues. I have been challenged to think about what exactly I am living for each day. I have been challenged to examine my heart and have discovered areas that need tending to...that need to be directed "near the cross".
While it has been a time of conviction, it has also been so encouraging to think of all that the Lord has done for me. His grace and mercy that covers me and is ENOUGH! I realize that as I stay "near the cross" I will not wait in shame. I am able to thrive and grow and experience the life He has intended.
My heart is challenged. My life is changing. My God is oh so very good!
Friday, September 3, 2010
I have felt like the last few weeks have just been a blurr. I am getting done what I have to, but when I woke up this morning at 5:00 just so that I could put the dinner dishes in the dishwasher and "feel" a little more caught up I was reminded how so very busy this time of year is for me. I usually go into survival mode, totally rely on Eric for way too much, and seriously consider inventing a Caffeine implant!
I am really enjoying my new job, but the four new preps have me working pretty steadily. I am enjoying the challenges, but won't lie that having an extra day this weekend to get my life in order is most welcome. The imbalance of school and home is such a challenge to me. I know I have perfectionist tendancies so it is a challenge to decide what is important.
I am studying Colossians and keep this verse close at hand. "Let the peace of Christ guide all of your decisions, for you were called to live as one united body; and always be THANKFUL! Let the full richness of Christ's teachings find its home among you. Teach and advise one another wisely. Use psalms and hyms and Christian Songs, singing God's praises from joyful hearts. And whatever you have to do, with in speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:15-17
Usually I am drawn to the whole part of "doing everything as unto the Lord" which certainly is a good part. But I have been drawn particularly these past few weeks at the encouragement to
Not just knowing the FULL RICHES OF CHRIST'S TEACHINGS, but making them find their HOME IN YOU! Making them be as comfortable as home! I daily have been thinking of the riches of Christ's teachings and it has strengthened me and caused me to stop and take account of who I am in Christ and what I have in Christ....let's just say that my CUP IS FULL!
So, yeah I am tired and (sigh) this is an exhausting time of year. But I am so very thankful that the Lord is patient with me as I work at the things He teaches me and live them out to be as "comfortable as home!"
I am really enjoying my new job, but the four new preps have me working pretty steadily. I am enjoying the challenges, but won't lie that having an extra day this weekend to get my life in order is most welcome. The imbalance of school and home is such a challenge to me. I know I have perfectionist tendancies so it is a challenge to decide what is important.
I am studying Colossians and keep this verse close at hand. "Let the peace of Christ guide all of your decisions, for you were called to live as one united body; and always be THANKFUL! Let the full richness of Christ's teachings find its home among you. Teach and advise one another wisely. Use psalms and hyms and Christian Songs, singing God's praises from joyful hearts. And whatever you have to do, with in speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:15-17
Usually I am drawn to the whole part of "doing everything as unto the Lord" which certainly is a good part. But I have been drawn particularly these past few weeks at the encouragement to
Let the full richness of Christ's teachings find its home among you.I have been thinking about what that actually means to me during this most hectic time.
Not just knowing the FULL RICHES OF CHRIST'S TEACHINGS, but making them find their HOME IN YOU! Making them be as comfortable as home! I daily have been thinking of the riches of Christ's teachings and it has strengthened me and caused me to stop and take account of who I am in Christ and what I have in Christ....let's just say that my CUP IS FULL!
So, yeah I am tired and (sigh) this is an exhausting time of year. But I am so very thankful that the Lord is patient with me as I work at the things He teaches me and live them out to be as "comfortable as home!"
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Java Moms to the Rescue!
I remember very clearly driving by what seemed to look like a Coffee Shop the very first week we moved to Missouri. Of course I was pleased to find out that it had opened recently and was convinced that the Lord had it opened just for me. Shortly after we moved I was invited (by Stacey) to have "coffee with several of the Moms" that meet at this new Coffee shop on Tuesday Mornings. I couldn't make it for a few weeks but eventually decided to meet them and see what they were all about!
I remember walking up to the shop and seeing one familiar face and then saying a short prayer before I walked in. It was something like..."Dear Lord, please help me to feel comfortable!" At first glance they looked like a amiable bunch. If I remember correctly, two of them were knitting, one was showing some school pictures and the other quietly smiling! The time went quickly and I did enjoy their company. I left hoping I would have the courage to return.
Well, 8 months and a bazillion cups of coffee later all I can say is WOW! I truly am thankful for this group of ladies and the ways they have encouraged me. I honestly consider them super heroes for rescuing me each Tuesday from one of my lowest of low times. I have never had such stillness in my life like I did from January through May! It was a needed time of rest and recovery for me, but I sometimes did not like the stillness...the waiting...the alone time! My Tuesday mornings became like therapy to me.
Today was my last time with these Super Heroes so I thought it fitting that I show them my appreciation. I gave them each their own Super Hero name!
Pam was named the PONTIFICATOR! Now, while to pontificate has a pompous connotation I gave her that name because she is such a thinker! She is grounded in her faith and beliefs, and yet listens and is challenged by others. I do not believe a thread of judgement runs through her veins. She is like an incredibly comfortable chair that welcomes you to sit and visit, putting you at ease, and inviting you always.
Sarah was given the name, INCONSPICUATOR! She is quiet (at first) and very sweet, sensitive, and gentle. I liken her to a tea cup....beautiful and lovely and when seen in action she brings warmth to all who get to know her. Also, she is HILARIOUS! I am quite certain that I would not be able to sit next to her at a seminar or any place where I was to behave! Her "inconspicuous" humor has lightened many of conversations!
Carol is to me the CELEBRATOR! Many conversations were held over the past 8 months...her genuineness towards each story shared or victory won was encouraging to me. Her excitement is contagious and her sensitivity towards others is something to be emulated. Her "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee and Clap Clap!" are given with heartfelt sincerity. Of course we weren't always celebrating as we all have burdens we carry with us. I admire her because not only is she a celebrator, but she genuinely is concerned at times when the road is a bit bumpy too!
Stacey was honored with the name INSTIGATOR. Of course that may have many hidden meanings (LOL). I liken her to a long power strip taking people and plugging them in where needed. It is not just that SHE KNOWS EVERYONE AND EVERYONE KNOWS HER (seriously... that is true), but she just makes it her mission to let no person go unplugged. It is truly a gift, and saved me from a long bleak winter! Somedays our coffees would extend to lunches, shopping, trips to the vet. Thanks for plugging me in!
For me...I called myself the SPONGINATOR. I selfishly soaked up everything they poured into me and now feel that I am sopping and soaking and ready to pour into my new venture that takes me away from seeing these wonderful ladies on such a regular basis! I plan to drink a ceremonious cup of coffee each Tuesday Morning as my planning period is during the time that we meet. I will sit back and envision myself sitting with them. My Tuesdays with them will be missed, but I am the better for having had spent time with them. Eric would often refer to this group as the "Coffee Ladies". To me that sounded way too mature! I wanted to think of something a little more hip and "young". Of course no group of super heroes can be without a group name. You have heard of the Justice League?....well meet the JAVA MOMS!

I made them each a JAVA MOM mug after giving them their new Super Hero name. I think it is a good thing I am a teacher and not a professional porcelin mug painter!

I remember walking up to the shop and seeing one familiar face and then saying a short prayer before I walked in. It was something like..."Dear Lord, please help me to feel comfortable!" At first glance they looked like a amiable bunch. If I remember correctly, two of them were knitting, one was showing some school pictures and the other quietly smiling! The time went quickly and I did enjoy their company. I left hoping I would have the courage to return.
Well, 8 months and a bazillion cups of coffee later all I can say is WOW! I truly am thankful for this group of ladies and the ways they have encouraged me. I honestly consider them super heroes for rescuing me each Tuesday from one of my lowest of low times. I have never had such stillness in my life like I did from January through May! It was a needed time of rest and recovery for me, but I sometimes did not like the stillness...the waiting...the alone time! My Tuesday mornings became like therapy to me.
Today was my last time with these Super Heroes so I thought it fitting that I show them my appreciation. I gave them each their own Super Hero name!
Pam was named the PONTIFICATOR! Now, while to pontificate has a pompous connotation I gave her that name because she is such a thinker! She is grounded in her faith and beliefs, and yet listens and is challenged by others. I do not believe a thread of judgement runs through her veins. She is like an incredibly comfortable chair that welcomes you to sit and visit, putting you at ease, and inviting you always.
Sarah was given the name, INCONSPICUATOR! She is quiet (at first) and very sweet, sensitive, and gentle. I liken her to a tea cup....beautiful and lovely and when seen in action she brings warmth to all who get to know her. Also, she is HILARIOUS! I am quite certain that I would not be able to sit next to her at a seminar or any place where I was to behave! Her "inconspicuous" humor has lightened many of conversations!
Carol is to me the CELEBRATOR! Many conversations were held over the past 8 months...her genuineness towards each story shared or victory won was encouraging to me. Her excitement is contagious and her sensitivity towards others is something to be emulated. Her "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee and Clap Clap!" are given with heartfelt sincerity. Of course we weren't always celebrating as we all have burdens we carry with us. I admire her because not only is she a celebrator, but she genuinely is concerned at times when the road is a bit bumpy too!
Stacey was honored with the name INSTIGATOR. Of course that may have many hidden meanings (LOL). I liken her to a long power strip taking people and plugging them in where needed. It is not just that SHE KNOWS EVERYONE AND EVERYONE KNOWS HER (seriously... that is true), but she just makes it her mission to let no person go unplugged. It is truly a gift, and saved me from a long bleak winter! Somedays our coffees would extend to lunches, shopping, trips to the vet. Thanks for plugging me in!
For me...I called myself the SPONGINATOR. I selfishly soaked up everything they poured into me and now feel that I am sopping and soaking and ready to pour into my new venture that takes me away from seeing these wonderful ladies on such a regular basis! I plan to drink a ceremonious cup of coffee each Tuesday Morning as my planning period is during the time that we meet. I will sit back and envision myself sitting with them. My Tuesdays with them will be missed, but I am the better for having had spent time with them. Eric would often refer to this group as the "Coffee Ladies". To me that sounded way too mature! I wanted to think of something a little more hip and "young". Of course no group of super heroes can be without a group name. You have heard of the Justice League?....well meet the JAVA MOMS!
I made them each a JAVA MOM mug after giving them their new Super Hero name. I think it is a good thing I am a teacher and not a professional porcelin mug painter!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
You're What??

It was a badge I wore with would hear me say it all the time, "I'm just really not that good in the kitchen!" Recently I was asked what my "go to" dish was? The thing I made when I was in a pinch, with no time, nothing planned. My blank stare probably answered her directly but I felt like saying... I "Go to" the store and figure out what to make!
This summer one of the things that the girls wanted to work on was learning how to make different meals. They have mastered the breakfast dishes that Daddy makes each weekend. Ellie can even whip up a homemade batch of pancakes. She just needs stove monitoring but she can flip pancakes with the best of them. Frankly I accepted their request thinking that this particular goal we could attack later in the summer. But to no avail, they hit the first week of summer scouring cookbooks looking for recipes. They have made some pretty good stuff. They started out their venture making homemade goodies like "Mrs. Sligh Brownies" & "Chocolate Chip Banana Bread."
I really thought maybe their interest would stop at the baked goods, but we began looking through the weekly grocery store ads and our meals started to come together.
Even Eric (my most loving...and toughest... critic) has liked the things we have made. We need to work on presentation and photography....but here is our latest creation:
Chicken Stirfry
We also have made Pineapple Garlic PorkChops and a Zesty Meatloaf! Really even as I type this I am realizing that these dishes are very simple and yet they reveal an accomplishment for me. It has provided fun times in the kitchen and actually some order to our evenings. I even have found my "go to meal!" It is so easy and incredibly CHEAP!!! I go to it not just when I am in a hurry, but also when our budget is TIGHT! It costs a whole $5.00!! We make homemade pizza! Walmart has $.47 pizza crust (we use two) and pizza sauce and I usually stock up on the shredded cheese when it is $.99! We experimented with it taco pizza...salsa instead of sauce...taco meat, lettuce, cheese, onion, etc. on top! We also recently made calzone and strombolil with it! Which was yummy!
So, I am not good in the kitchen.....I am not ready to be an Iron Chef contender. I have decided that there is just one thing that I am naturally good at. One thing that I can do at the drop of hat, without much thinking...and that is plannig! I love to plan, organize and prioritize.I do it all the time. I sometimes even plan in my sleep and awake to a new room arrangement or way to attack some logistical nightmare. So, instead of being intimidated by my lack of ability in the kitchen I have decided to use what I am good at to help me in the kitchen. Well, I am off to plan another week of meals. This week Julia is featured with her homemade oven fried chicken! We have our's posted on the fridge.I guess I would still say I am not great in the kitchen, but atleast I have a go to dish now!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Pressing On..........
I started thinking today as we finished our first week, "Do I even want to blog this?" I was plagued with the thought of WHAT IF WE DON'T FOLLOW THROUGH! After all, last summer I was easily running 3 miles and now look at me! But I realized it is all part of the process, you can't just get up and run 3 miles. In fact, there are many things that I dread tackling, but once I begin I am so glad that I did. Cleaning out that neglected closet, balancing my checkbook, preparing for that lesson, putting away folded laundry, dusting my house, calling a friend, filling out that application. I don't know about you but my list could go on and on. I seem to lack the desire to hit some things head on. I'd rather be miserable than experience the pain of discipline which eventually reaps great rewards. But the longer I wait to face them the harder the process is of overcoming the obstacle.
Of course this has great implications for me spiritually as well. I get distracted and my times of solitude and meditation seem few and far between. I lack discipline and forget to give thanks even for the days, weeks, months (you get the picture) that things don't seem to go our way. We forget that it is really those times of struggle and discipline that we learn the most. It is those "middle of the workout" moments when we are glad we decided to pray, read His word or give thanks admist our trial. The past 6 months have been filled with a myriad of experiences as I have been training for my "Life's Race". I have been trying to face these experiences, trials, and situations in light of Psalm 103:2 "Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits." I haven't been perfect by any means but I do have a greater appreciation and love for the process. Sometimes I think the Lord must be watching me saying...."Get off the couch!!!! I have the training all laid out for you! You know what you need to do, just do it! Once you get started you will see the benefit that it will bring you! By My can do it!"
Yeah, so we're hoping to run a 5K. We can only hope for the best and keep pressing on! "Praise the Lord oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits!"I think I'll have that put on the shirts we wear when we run!
Friday, May 28, 2010
We Made It To May!!!
As we plunged through our first week here in Missouri this past December we were greeted with frigid,freezing, sub-zero, super cold kind of weather. It seemed so far from home. We were given a bonus week off of school which delayed the girls getting started into a routine, but did allow us more unpacking time as well as time to adjust to our move.
As the weeks wore on the girls definitely (but not surprisingly) had adjustments to make. We missed our Virginia house, our Virginia friends. We missed that thing called FAMILIAR! School seemed to be the biggest bump in the road and proved to be a giant hurdle. We went from a PK-5 school of 600 to a K-8 school of 200. I found myself saying to the girls...."We can make it to May! Let's just make it through the school year and we will be OK."
As we started this week (our last week of school) I recalled those bleak winter mornings and days when there were lots of tears, lots of skypes,emails, long talks and letters. And I remembered our mantra of "Making it to May!!"
Wow! a lot has transpired in our lives and while there is still a bit of adjust ment taking place we have Made it to May and there are so many things that we love about our new home. We love that Daddy can be with us and has a wonderful job and that we are able to get to know his family better. We love our nice yard and being "in the country" and we are starting to enjoy the fresh fruits of our garden. We have gotten involved in a church and are a part of a small group and are forming friendships with those families. Eric has seemingly picked up where he left off 20 years ago. He loves being outdoors and has been fishing and has a "hankering for some hunting too." He loves gardening and taking care of our property ....or "God's property" as he calls it. He has wasted no time getting in touch with his inner-country boy!

Ellie graduated today! Her teacher commented about her "social" abilities and her love for life. Her adjustment has probably been the easiest....though she is starting to realize that there is "no" pool this summer. That could prove to be a real dilemma. Although when I ask her what she wants to do this summer besides swim, she has replied...."Reading and Math!" So, I am all set for that!

Kathryn and Julia had the most social adjustment being the new kids on the block...or should I say new kids on the rural route!! Kathryn plunged in with both feet and formed great friendships with her involvement in the band and creative and talented class. She and Jade (right) helped out in the library. Julia was my hold out. In fact a few months ago her room was adorned with a huge paper chain denoting the exact amount of days left until summer break. She kept tedious count and atleast twice a week she would give the family an update of the summer countdown. But today as I saw her leave her class she was surrounded by girls and smothered with hugs..."Bye Julia...Bye Julia...Do you have my number?" What a blessing it was to see her graciously overcome this struggle. Of course I have no pics of her at school because she told me she would die a thousand deaths if I even tried to whip out my camera to snap a picture of her and her friends. She took her own camera to school and took lots of pictures. What's a mother to do?
As for me I think I denied any adjustments on my part at first, but I certainly have had my times and trials of adjustment. I will say warmer weather has helped and I am actually looking forward to the girls being home this summer. We made our list of summer goals and we all are looking forward to working towards them. Of course I did promise them one week of laziness....sleeping in...and plenty of planned nothingness! So officially in about two weeks we will begin our summer fun!
Today we used the rest of my graduation money to go out and celebrate at the girls' favorite new place! Cheers! We made it to May! ahhhhhhhh!! Bring on the summer!
As the weeks wore on the girls definitely (but not surprisingly) had adjustments to make. We missed our Virginia house, our Virginia friends. We missed that thing called FAMILIAR! School seemed to be the biggest bump in the road and proved to be a giant hurdle. We went from a PK-5 school of 600 to a K-8 school of 200. I found myself saying to the girls...."We can make it to May! Let's just make it through the school year and we will be OK."
As we started this week (our last week of school) I recalled those bleak winter mornings and days when there were lots of tears, lots of skypes,emails, long talks and letters. And I remembered our mantra of "Making it to May!!"
Wow! a lot has transpired in our lives and while there is still a bit of adjust ment taking place we have Made it to May and there are so many things that we love about our new home. We love that Daddy can be with us and has a wonderful job and that we are able to get to know his family better. We love our nice yard and being "in the country" and we are starting to enjoy the fresh fruits of our garden. We have gotten involved in a church and are a part of a small group and are forming friendships with those families. Eric has seemingly picked up where he left off 20 years ago. He loves being outdoors and has been fishing and has a "hankering for some hunting too." He loves gardening and taking care of our property ....or "God's property" as he calls it. He has wasted no time getting in touch with his inner-country boy!

Ellie graduated today! Her teacher commented about her "social" abilities and her love for life. Her adjustment has probably been the easiest....though she is starting to realize that there is "no" pool this summer. That could prove to be a real dilemma. Although when I ask her what she wants to do this summer besides swim, she has replied...."Reading and Math!" So, I am all set for that!

Kathryn and Julia had the most social adjustment being the new kids on the block...or should I say new kids on the rural route!! Kathryn plunged in with both feet and formed great friendships with her involvement in the band and creative and talented class. She and Jade (right) helped out in the library. Julia was my hold out. In fact a few months ago her room was adorned with a huge paper chain denoting the exact amount of days left until summer break. She kept tedious count and atleast twice a week she would give the family an update of the summer countdown. But today as I saw her leave her class she was surrounded by girls and smothered with hugs..."Bye Julia...Bye Julia...Do you have my number?" What a blessing it was to see her graciously overcome this struggle. Of course I have no pics of her at school because she told me she would die a thousand deaths if I even tried to whip out my camera to snap a picture of her and her friends. She took her own camera to school and took lots of pictures. What's a mother to do?
As for me I think I denied any adjustments on my part at first, but I certainly have had my times and trials of adjustment. I will say warmer weather has helped and I am actually looking forward to the girls being home this summer. We made our list of summer goals and we all are looking forward to working towards them. Of course I did promise them one week of laziness....sleeping in...and plenty of planned nothingness! So officially in about two weeks we will begin our summer fun!
Today we used the rest of my graduation money to go out and celebrate at the girls' favorite new place! Cheers! We made it to May! ahhhhhhhh!! Bring on the summer!
Friday, May 21, 2010
What will you leave behind??
Ah, spring time....garage sales and estate sales seem to be popping up all over the place here in Missouri. They are a little different out here as most of them begin on Thursday and run through Saturday. And Saturday I am slim pickings! So Thursday as I drove through town I saw a sign which must have had some magical magnetic force. My car immediately veered off the road and pulled up to the estate sale that was advertised along the roadside.
Though the house was in certain need of repair it had a natural charm to it. All hardwood floors, just that old house feel. It had the coolest screened in veranda on the second floor that I thought must have been a favorite spot for whoever lived there. Everything in the house was tagged and I started out on the first floor and walked around. Of course my mind went crazy trying to imagine who lived here and what they would think of everyone "going through their things". Someone's lifetime of accumulation laid out in categories, tagged and up for grabs!

The person was obviously a doll collector. That in and of itself was interesting... there was everything from doll clothes, stuffed dolls, porcelain dolls, creepy doll heads and other doll parts. Some were new, some were used and some just downright freaked me out. There was one room that had nothing but doll stuff in it, as well as other dolls scattered around the house. It would be a little girl's heaven!

Dishes and knick knacks also filled the house as well as other varied collections. Full sets of dishes, partial sets of dishes, random mugs and and pots and pans were set out from the basement up to the top floor. There was even a collection of rolling pins....12 to be exact; all shapes, all sizes. . And wow, when I went down to the basement....yikes! There was just gobs and gobs of decorations, gadgets, old furniture, canning supplies, parts of this...some of that! This person did not get rid of anything. I was amazed that even though I had no idea who lived there I could tell a lot about them by what they left behind
My thoughts shifted to thinking about what people would find in my estate sale! Of course there would first be the collection of coffee mugs and the ever lingering smell of coffee beans that would be immediately evident as you crossed the threshold. It would be easy to spot the fact that at one time in my life I enjoyed scrapbooking. I am a sucker for anything "office supply oriented" so I am sure my estate sale would have all kinds of notebooks and things of that nature. They would assume that someone in the house was obsessed with children's literature and varied book series as well.

Of course I was a little panic stricken at what would happen if they had to go through my house today! They would certainly find that pile of stuff I have been meaning to go through....or those tubs of things I moved out here that I need to probably be downsized. It is not that I don't have the time to go through them I lack the motivation! Moving so many times has helped me downsize quite a bit, but there always seems to be something that is in excess!
Do you ever feel suffocated by stuff? Closets brimming, piles looming? We just moved and I thought I had cleaned out before the move. But I still see excess and stuff, or I find myself thinking about when we will get more 'stuff'. I mean I actually bought something at that estate sale!(No! not a doll!)I couldn't resist the croquet set now that we have a massive yard.
I assumed that the person in this house most likely passed or had moved into a smaller dwelling where she could not take most of her things. And really, though she left all this stuff behind, her lasting impressions would have come from who she was. I found myself thinking about who she might have been and shifted my "I wonder what people will find at my estate sale" thoughts to....What will be my lasting impressions...what will I leave behind for people to remember me for? I left challenged to remember that it is not about the stuff or the status but about who we are that will make a lasting impression. I know I will think about that each time I play croquet.Now to get to those piles!!
Though the house was in certain need of repair it had a natural charm to it. All hardwood floors, just that old house feel. It had the coolest screened in veranda on the second floor that I thought must have been a favorite spot for whoever lived there. Everything in the house was tagged and I started out on the first floor and walked around. Of course my mind went crazy trying to imagine who lived here and what they would think of everyone "going through their things". Someone's lifetime of accumulation laid out in categories, tagged and up for grabs!

The person was obviously a doll collector. That in and of itself was interesting... there was everything from doll clothes, stuffed dolls, porcelain dolls, creepy doll heads and other doll parts. Some were new, some were used and some just downright freaked me out. There was one room that had nothing but doll stuff in it, as well as other dolls scattered around the house. It would be a little girl's heaven!

Dishes and knick knacks also filled the house as well as other varied collections. Full sets of dishes, partial sets of dishes, random mugs and and pots and pans were set out from the basement up to the top floor. There was even a collection of rolling pins....12 to be exact; all shapes, all sizes. . And wow, when I went down to the basement....yikes! There was just gobs and gobs of decorations, gadgets, old furniture, canning supplies, parts of this...some of that! This person did not get rid of anything. I was amazed that even though I had no idea who lived there I could tell a lot about them by what they left behind
My thoughts shifted to thinking about what people would find in my estate sale! Of course there would first be the collection of coffee mugs and the ever lingering smell of coffee beans that would be immediately evident as you crossed the threshold. It would be easy to spot the fact that at one time in my life I enjoyed scrapbooking. I am a sucker for anything "office supply oriented" so I am sure my estate sale would have all kinds of notebooks and things of that nature. They would assume that someone in the house was obsessed with children's literature and varied book series as well.

Of course I was a little panic stricken at what would happen if they had to go through my house today! They would certainly find that pile of stuff I have been meaning to go through....or those tubs of things I moved out here that I need to probably be downsized. It is not that I don't have the time to go through them I lack the motivation! Moving so many times has helped me downsize quite a bit, but there always seems to be something that is in excess!
Do you ever feel suffocated by stuff? Closets brimming, piles looming? We just moved and I thought I had cleaned out before the move. But I still see excess and stuff, or I find myself thinking about when we will get more 'stuff'. I mean I actually bought something at that estate sale!(No! not a doll!)I couldn't resist the croquet set now that we have a massive yard.
I assumed that the person in this house most likely passed or had moved into a smaller dwelling where she could not take most of her things. And really, though she left all this stuff behind, her lasting impressions would have come from who she was. I found myself thinking about who she might have been and shifted my "I wonder what people will find at my estate sale" thoughts to....What will be my lasting impressions...what will I leave behind for people to remember me for? I left challenged to remember that it is not about the stuff or the status but about who we are that will make a lasting impression. I know I will think about that each time I play croquet.Now to get to those piles!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It's All In Who You Know.........

This morning I had a job interview. I was so excited to actually get a call back, I have learned it is not a good time to be an unemployed teacher! The school I interviewed at requires a bit of a commute so I decided I better make a "dry run" as if I were heading there for work to see what the traffic is like, and the trip in general. So I set out this morning and arrived with plenty of time on my hands.
I found a place to get some coffee (shocker!) and wanted to use the time to pray about and contemplate my soon to be interview. I recently had been going through the Psalms for my quiet time, but decided to head over to Ephesians this morning. I read these verses:
"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,To the saints in Ephesus,the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."
Ephesians 1:1-3
I started thinking about what it meant that I have been blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. I began to make a list of things that come along with that "blessing". The list became quite long and encouraged me as I was about to go to my interview.
Through this journey of looking for employment I have been worried about my lack of connections. Why in the world would someone consider a teacher from out of state with "no connections"? As I was listing these blessings this morning the Lord gently reminded me of the promise that these blessings bring and that I had forgotten that He is the only connection that I need for me to be where I need to be! I know I can't sit around and throw my resumes outside and hope they blow onto the doorstep of that special school.(although somedays it does seem windy enough!) There is work to be done on my part. But, I was reminded and encouraged that my fretting and stewing and wondering how I would ever get a job without connections is not needed because I have the connection of the blessings that flow from Christ. I have the connections of all connections...the connection that will trump anyone!
Well, the interview went well. I now sit and wait, but not in fear or worry because.......... I've got connections!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Blow Bubbles In Your Chocolate Milk

Kathryn was awarded 3rd place out of 337 entries in the Missouri State Poetry Society Writer's Winter Contest 2010 Youth Division. Congratulations Dear Kathryn! Take a moment to enjoy her award winning poem.
Blow Bubbles in Your Chocolate Milk
Sometimes it’s the small things,
that tend to make our day
like hugs, whipped cream, or nice things
that, to you, people say.
And sometimes doing things
that may seem juvenile
can really make the difference
in your mood, and make you smile.
Things like playing royalty
with a trailing cape of flowing silk.
things like blowing bubbles,
in your chocolate milk.
Things like placing buttercups,
right up to your nose
and things like playing in summer-soft grass,
and squirting someone with the hose.
Things like blowing dandelions,
right up into the sky
and things like innocently watching
caterpillars inching by.
These things we don’t do as often
as we sometimes, maybe could.
There are always the problems: stress, work and time
But otherwise, we say we would.
So, take some time to be royalty
with a flowing cape of silk
and keep in mind to blow bubbles
in your chocolate milk.
by Kathryn Yoder
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Pulling Weeds and other life lessons!
Now that Spring has arrived it is so wonderful to watch how uniquely it unfolds here in Missouri. Yes, Spring is Spring, I know! However, being in a rural area and being surrounded by farms makes Spring's unfolding very different.
First of all we have such a variety of trees in our yard that watching them bud, bloom and blossom has been neat. It seems like everyday I look out the trees have drastically changed. We went away for an overnight trip and just in that 24 hours the appearance of Spring vibrantly mulitplied in our yard.
The farm life scenery has also changed. While we have no "animal life" at our house (except for the extrordinary amount of mice we have trapped in our garage since our arrival and though they "once lived".....well,you get the picture) and we do not plan on getting any, I have enjoyed seeing all of the little baby animals suddenly emerge and fill the scenery. The fields have flourished with new life.
Spring also chases away the deadness of winter. When we arrived here it was so bitterly cold and bare. But with the arrival of Spring it has given me a fresh look on how beautiful it is here in Missouri. I have readily welcomed the green grass, the appearance of unique birds, and even the presence of Spring chores. I always get a refreshed feeling when I clean off a flower bed or wash a screen or window.We have a lot more to "clean up" now with our new house, and while it seems overwhelming at times, there is a feeling of renewal and pleasure even with just observing a freshly mowed yard.
This past weekend we worked outside. We successfuly cut out/off a GINORMOUS root,resurfaced a once landscaped area in hopes to plant grass, and weeded an entire side of the house. As I was weeding a very neglected flower bed, I was reminded of how much work it takes to "keep up" a yard, especially if it hasn't been cared for some time. It is so much harder to clean out and clean up something that has been neglected or let to itself. I found myself losing interest or being sidetracked because there seemed to be so much to do. But when I would take time to look at what I had already done, it encouraged me.
The Lord continued to bring to my mind the my need of daily renewal. Praise the Lord, I need not wait for a Spring season, nor until the weeds overtake me to be renewed. Sometimes I may even need cut back in order to produce fruit. And some days I may need to stop and look back and see what the Lord has done so that I may be encouraged to see how the Lord has worked in my garden.
I like it when the Lord uses something like weed pulling to remind me of Him!
First of all we have such a variety of trees in our yard that watching them bud, bloom and blossom has been neat. It seems like everyday I look out the trees have drastically changed. We went away for an overnight trip and just in that 24 hours the appearance of Spring vibrantly mulitplied in our yard.
The farm life scenery has also changed. While we have no "animal life" at our house (except for the extrordinary amount of mice we have trapped in our garage since our arrival and though they "once lived".....well,you get the picture) and we do not plan on getting any, I have enjoyed seeing all of the little baby animals suddenly emerge and fill the scenery. The fields have flourished with new life.
Spring also chases away the deadness of winter. When we arrived here it was so bitterly cold and bare. But with the arrival of Spring it has given me a fresh look on how beautiful it is here in Missouri. I have readily welcomed the green grass, the appearance of unique birds, and even the presence of Spring chores. I always get a refreshed feeling when I clean off a flower bed or wash a screen or window.We have a lot more to "clean up" now with our new house, and while it seems overwhelming at times, there is a feeling of renewal and pleasure even with just observing a freshly mowed yard.
This past weekend we worked outside. We successfuly cut out/off a GINORMOUS root,resurfaced a once landscaped area in hopes to plant grass, and weeded an entire side of the house. As I was weeding a very neglected flower bed, I was reminded of how much work it takes to "keep up" a yard, especially if it hasn't been cared for some time. It is so much harder to clean out and clean up something that has been neglected or let to itself. I found myself losing interest or being sidetracked because there seemed to be so much to do. But when I would take time to look at what I had already done, it encouraged me.
The Lord continued to bring to my mind the my need of daily renewal. Praise the Lord, I need not wait for a Spring season, nor until the weeds overtake me to be renewed. Sometimes I may even need cut back in order to produce fruit. And some days I may need to stop and look back and see what the Lord has done so that I may be encouraged to see how the Lord has worked in my garden.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
I like it when the Lord uses something like weed pulling to remind me of Him!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Turning 6!

I'm 6 tomorrow..........Yipee!
I can vividly remember that July evening as I waited for a dear friend, Julie at a local restaurant to celebrate her birthday. While I love my time I spend with her that particular night I was a little distracted. Just twenty minutes before I had taken an at home pregnancy test and realized that we would be adding another Yoder to our family in just 9 short months! I remember finally having to spill the beans to her as I could not contain myself. It certainly put a twist into our conversation as she looked just about as shocked as I felt.
We haven't looked back since! Eleonore Grace Yoder came into our lives exactly on her due date, waking me up at approximately 12:01 AM on April 6th. She was to be delivered by C-section that morning. But for all of you who know Ellie, that exciting labor experience was just the first of many lessons this precious child has brought to our lives. Ellie, as we like to call her, has been a bundle of energy and I like to think of her as "God's personal lessons wrapped up in a ball of fire"

With Kathryn and Julia we certainly had learned (and are still learning) the normal lessons of parenting, the things you would expect to learn as a parent. So we thought when we had Ellie, while it would be an adjustment, we were set and ready to know...been there, done that! But Ellie's arrival for me was not about being able to flesh out my "awesome" parenting skills, but rather her presence in my life teaches me daily about who God is and more importantly my desperate need for Him! I really can't imagine what our family would be like without her! I can't imagine what I would be like without her.

~ You never are wondering how she is feeling. You could say that she wears her heart on her sleeve. It can be trying sometimes (like in the middle of church). But it has reminded me of the importance of the training of her heart. Being able to express yourself is a strength (that is what I tell myself anyway!) and I need to help her funnel that gift in the right direction!
~ I love it when she greets me after I have been gone (even just to the grocery store) or I especially love to watch her when Eric comes home from work. She makes you feel important. When you are greeted she uses the knock you down kind of hug!
~I love her laugh. It is contagious. You can not help but smile and usually laugh along with her.
~ Oh the drama! While it can get pretty dramatic here with three girls, I am referring to the dramatic productions that take place here regularly! Her biggest hopes is for Daddy to build that stage downstairs! It is all planned out, just hasn't come about yet. It is obvious that the child needs no stage to perform...just an audience or even a mirror!
~ I love the nicknames she has made up! Daddy is --Boochee Boy! Mine is --Momeroo! Her terms of endearment are usually followed by some big hug, or affirmation. She often looks at me and says, "Mom you are so beautiful!" Even though at times her words may not be affirming :0) she really does have a tender heart!
~ She is usually the first to say thank you or to notice something I have done. Recently when she came home from school she looked around and said, "Mom, you cleaned today. It looks really nice, thanks!"
~ Everyone LOVES to snuggle with this kid! She was born to snuggle! Whether it be in the morning, the evening or while I am cooking dinner. When we first were reunited with Eric after being apart for 6 months, she would look at him and say.."Stop what you're doing and come snuggle with me Boochie Boy!" Of course Daddy pretty much melts at the sound of that.
~ She is a prayer! Whatever prayer request I mention to her she is so faithful to remember each time I pray with her, or sometimes at dinner she will do an amendment to our prayer if someone left out something!
~ She exhausts herself trying to keep up with her sisters. While this can promote a little tension in her life, it is sweet to see how much she admires them. We always say she is a "big" girl in a little girl's body!
~ She likes to try and use big words. She doesn't always get them out right or use them properly. But it is a hoot! My recent fave was when she tried to tell me her sister was MANIPULATING her! It came out something like nipmanlating! She had to say it over and over before I realized what she was saying. Imagine...the QUEEN OF MANIPULATION not be able to say it right!
~She makes me enjoy the little things. I am convinced I didn't do that the first time around! She makes things like automatic hand dryers in public restrooms seem like the coolest thing in the world. Being that she is turning 6 (yikes!) I certainly am reminded of how quickly time goes!
~We make up games all the time. My favorite one is the question game. We just ask questions like What's your favorite color? food? etc. I always end it with "Why do I love you so much?" She usually tells me I love her because God tells me to love her! One time she asked me if I loved her even when she was bad. When I told her I did she asked me if God told me to do that too!
~ Probably the most conflicting thing I love about Ellie....and I say conflicting because it is not always my favorite thing! the way the Lord uses her in my life. It is no secret that the Lord uses our children to help us learn and grow. He has used and continues to use my three children to teach me many things about Himself and other important life lessons. But, I can not tell you how many times the Lord has used Ellie's actions (both the good and the bad) to speak directly into my heart...about me, about things I need to learn, about areas in which I need to grow. It is as if her purpose in my life was to teach me things I would have otherwise not been humbled enough to learn. That is why I call her my "God's personal lessons wrapped up in a ball of fire"

So, happy 6th birthday Ellie! We love you and can't imagine how boring our lives would be without you! You put the pep in our step and certainly add spark to our family!
Friday, February 19, 2010
I eat this because I love you...
This morning was a little unusual as I got my first call to sub. It was only 1/2 day so I wasn't rushing to get ready in the morning. However, we were having friends over for dinner and I still had to go to the grocery store and tidy up a little bit. As I was making my mental grocery list I was trying to get Ellie to tell me what she wanted for breakfast. She asked me if I would make her oatmeal. I sighed and quickly reminded her that my oatmeal never comes close to tasting as good as Daddy's oatmeal.Quickly I was reminded of the six months that we were away from Eric where I was often reminded that my "dishes" did NOT taste like Daddy's! :-) She promised me she would help me as she "has watched Daddy make it and knows how to do it."
I made the oatmeal and placed it in front of her. She tasted it, paused and said, "Hmmmmm, this tastes different!" I told her that I had warned that my oatmeal does not match Daddy's! She looked very serious and said, "Mom, Daddy's oatmeal tastes better but you do make good things! You make good toast!" I looked at her with a silly look and shook my head. Then she continued, "Also that dinner you made last night was very wonderful!" (It was mac and cheese ....the velveeta kind!) Then she finished...."And Mommy, I eat this oatmeal because I love you!" She continued eating it and assured me it wasn't "that bad actually!"
She was totally serious and bent on affirming me and being sure that I was loved and appreciated. Now, in all seriousness, I was not worried or insecure about my oatmeal! I gave up on trying to match his cooking a long time ago. I was, however, touched by her unsolicited kindness. Moments like these (in her case)sometimes seems so rare! I feel like I am always correcting, chiding, reminding, basically keeping her pinned down! Today reminded me that there is a sweet love in her heart that I must continue to nuture! It is totally in the seed stage, but I did see some sign of a sprout today!!! She ate my oatmeal because she loves me!
I made the oatmeal and placed it in front of her. She tasted it, paused and said, "Hmmmmm, this tastes different!" I told her that I had warned that my oatmeal does not match Daddy's! She looked very serious and said, "Mom, Daddy's oatmeal tastes better but you do make good things! You make good toast!" I looked at her with a silly look and shook my head. Then she continued, "Also that dinner you made last night was very wonderful!" (It was mac and cheese ....the velveeta kind!) Then she finished...."And Mommy, I eat this oatmeal because I love you!" She continued eating it and assured me it wasn't "that bad actually!"
She was totally serious and bent on affirming me and being sure that I was loved and appreciated. Now, in all seriousness, I was not worried or insecure about my oatmeal! I gave up on trying to match his cooking a long time ago. I was, however, touched by her unsolicited kindness. Moments like these (in her case)sometimes seems so rare! I feel like I am always correcting, chiding, reminding, basically keeping her pinned down! Today reminded me that there is a sweet love in her heart that I must continue to nuture! It is totally in the seed stage, but I did see some sign of a sprout today!!! She ate my oatmeal because she loves me!

Monday, February 15, 2010
Thank you for your resume....but...!
This morning I was asked by my 11 year old, "What DO you do all day long?" Humorously I have been asking myself that same question for about 2 weeks now. I have found myself with a ton of time on my hands....a total 180 of my previous life of living on caffeine and burning the candle at both ends. I actually have struggled with this exorbitant amount of time. What humored me most about her question was that I have actually resorted to planning out my every minute of my day so that I can feel like I have accomplished something. It was apparent to me that I did not know what to do with all of this time that I used to so desperatly crave!
It is not like I actually thought I would land a job as soon as I set foot in Missouri. But I did not intend for it to seem so dismal. Here are the following job prospects so far and where I stand in the process of finding a job!
I have completed the application process and background check for my Missouri lisence. While it was not terribly difficult it just involved a lot of forms, requests and paying $10.00 here, $35.00 there, etc. But it is done and I should be getting in in the next 8 weeks.
Since finishing that process I have heard about 2 openings in the local schools. I applied and recently found out that 60 people applied and only 40 were called back. I was not among the 40. So, it seems like that door is shut!
In addition I gave my resume to a private school as well and received notification of "thank you for your resume...but there are no current openings at this time."
Each time I have investigated a school system they seem to be under "budgetary" issues and even the employees are wondering if they will have a job! Our distance from town keeps me from subbing in the various schools as it would be hard to manage home and spontaneuos early morning calls. I will be applying to sub at the girls' school and will be interested to see what pans out with that.
On a side note I did consider just finding a "regular" job to help catch up from the move and allow us to finish those projects that we want to do on the house. The two prospects so far were:
1) The Statue of Liberty Mascot for Liberty Tax Inc. ---I feel like the MO wind would be enough to avoid that one!
2) The second one was artificially inseminating sow and general sow care.-- I lacked the previous experience on that one, so I didn't even apply.;-)
Perhaps, referring back to my daughter's question this morning, the Lord wants me to work at being a domestic goddess! Honing in on some of those skills certainly would only benefit my family. Seriously, it is not that I do not enjoy staying home, it was just not really in our thinking as what I would do now that the girls are older and of school age.
This whole idea of will I, should I, can I, do I need to, where will I work... has sparked a need for a new kind of personal trust. While I have realized that I need to allow the Lord to reveal His plan for me, allowing it to be purely a matter of trust is sometimes difficult. I have recently read that the "essence of trust is to be convinced of the reliability if God. From the depths of a purified heart trust clings to the belief that whatever happens in our lives is designed to form Christ within us." This unwavering confidence in the reliability and love of God allows us to thank God for all things.
Now, I seriously do not think I will be dressing up as the Statue of Liberty and I praise GOD for my lack of experience in artificially inseminating sow! But I will sit tight in my trust and learn each day how to truly believe and live out the reliability of God. I am confident that He will show me what to do.
It is not like I actually thought I would land a job as soon as I set foot in Missouri. But I did not intend for it to seem so dismal. Here are the following job prospects so far and where I stand in the process of finding a job!
I have completed the application process and background check for my Missouri lisence. While it was not terribly difficult it just involved a lot of forms, requests and paying $10.00 here, $35.00 there, etc. But it is done and I should be getting in in the next 8 weeks.
Since finishing that process I have heard about 2 openings in the local schools. I applied and recently found out that 60 people applied and only 40 were called back. I was not among the 40. So, it seems like that door is shut!
In addition I gave my resume to a private school as well and received notification of "thank you for your resume...but there are no current openings at this time."
Each time I have investigated a school system they seem to be under "budgetary" issues and even the employees are wondering if they will have a job! Our distance from town keeps me from subbing in the various schools as it would be hard to manage home and spontaneuos early morning calls. I will be applying to sub at the girls' school and will be interested to see what pans out with that.
On a side note I did consider just finding a "regular" job to help catch up from the move and allow us to finish those projects that we want to do on the house. The two prospects so far were:
1) The Statue of Liberty Mascot for Liberty Tax Inc. ---I feel like the MO wind would be enough to avoid that one!
2) The second one was artificially inseminating sow and general sow care.-- I lacked the previous experience on that one, so I didn't even apply.;-)
Perhaps, referring back to my daughter's question this morning, the Lord wants me to work at being a domestic goddess! Honing in on some of those skills certainly would only benefit my family. Seriously, it is not that I do not enjoy staying home, it was just not really in our thinking as what I would do now that the girls are older and of school age.
This whole idea of will I, should I, can I, do I need to, where will I work... has sparked a need for a new kind of personal trust. While I have realized that I need to allow the Lord to reveal His plan for me, allowing it to be purely a matter of trust is sometimes difficult. I have recently read that the "essence of trust is to be convinced of the reliability if God. From the depths of a purified heart trust clings to the belief that whatever happens in our lives is designed to form Christ within us." This unwavering confidence in the reliability and love of God allows us to thank God for all things.
Now, I seriously do not think I will be dressing up as the Statue of Liberty and I praise GOD for my lack of experience in artificially inseminating sow! But I will sit tight in my trust and learn each day how to truly believe and live out the reliability of God. I am confident that He will show me what to do.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Things I Know Since I've Been To MO!
Lots of reflection and learning is going on at East State Route 2, Harrisonville, Missouri! It is a paradox of sorts. I feel like we just got here, yet our move seems like ages ago. I feel like sometimes this is a very familiar place, yet I still have cause to get out my GPS when I have no idea where the blazes I am. Overall, I can't get over what I have learned and continue to learn. Some things....very mundane bordering on humorous, while others causing paradigm shifts in my life.
First change is never easy. I have prided myself on taking change with stride.I have had CONSTANT CHANGE in my life and I have always embraced it as I know it brings self reflection and growth. This change has certainly brought that by the droves. I seem to have been knocked down a few pegs and realize I am not the SUPER WOMAN I once self proclaimed to be! There has been a lot of QUIET moments over the past six weeks which have caused me to ponder, think, reflect and any other verb that you can conjure up that means THINKING! I have had moments that range from aha moments to powerful epiphanies that have encouraged me, challenged me, and even moved me to tears. I have had times of stillness that I have not had in.... actually I don't know how long it has been. While some days I have felt that I have been wrapped up in nothingness (thanks KD for that phrase) I really can say that the time of just being alone and by myself (while not always enjoyable) has yielded a new list of goals, prayers of forgiveness, a view of myself that is less than desirable. Some days these alone times were arduous and painful, other days invigorating. I still think change is not easy. But I will say the benefits have been more along the lines of what change is supposed to be.....something that takes us out of our comfort zone and causes us to think, ponder, review and hopefully RENEW.
Another lesson I have learned is that it has been a long time since I have been in a place where I don't "know" people. The last time that happened (I think) was my Freshman year in college. I don't need to remind you that that was some time ago! I really thought that making friends would be easy and that I would attack it with great ease. After all, I am a great person to hang out least my friends tell me that I am. Seriously, I was kind of excited about that aspect of our move but then quickly realized that it is not all that easy for me to just do that. I didn't realize how comfortable I was with the friends I had and have missed those friendships immensely. Now before my East coast friends read this and feel sorry for me and my new Mid western friends read this and say...."Now wait a minute...." I include this because I have learned from my experience of "not knowing" anyone how very important it is to always be in a state of reaching out....ALWAYS!! I have been blessed with getting to know some wonderful ladies and look forward to building more friendships as time continues. I have enjoyed my Tuesday morning coffee time as well as starting a new small group with our church. God has been faithful and has used several people to make me feel comfortable and at home in a new place.
Interestingly, I have learned that while I knew I had "family" who lived here I have enjoyed learning how it all fits together. We really never spent much time with Eric's family.So, it has been fun to hear about who is related to whom. Some ladies from the church got together for lunch one afternoon and invited me. Before it was over I found out that two of the ladies were actually second cousins of Eric's.It is in deed a smaller world when you live close to family. His uncle gave us some genealogy books too that have been fun to look through. It may mean we have to go to the local "matchmaker" before the girls start courting anyone to make sure that we aren't related! **laughs** I do have one friend who keeps me straight on who is who and gives me a heads up as to who I am related to!
Also, living in the 'country' takes getting used to. It has been an adjustment for me to get used to living "out" and away from everyone. The girls abhor when we use the phrase "going into town" They feel like we are going to hitch up the horses or something. (We have fun with that.) But in all seriousness we have learned the importance of getting an accurate store list and that sometimes you just do without and get creative.
While we have not experienced quite the winter that our East Coast friends have had, one thing that I have learned (that my Mother has been trying to tell me for at least 40 years) is "I NEED A COAT AND A PAIR OF BOOTS!" I have finally succumb to that and purchased a pair of boots and a warm winter coat. I know my Mom is relieved. When it is cold is a cold like I have never felt before. And the rural roads require boots...It is just how they roll!
Finally, when we first decided to move here I really thought that the move was going to be all about a change for Eric. He finally would get to do something that he would enjoy, etc. And as for me, well, I would continue to do what I always did! That was my biggest aha moment....actually I think I labeled that as an epiphany! I was making my bed one day and it hit me. This move was not just for Eric. It was just as much for me. The Holy Spirit confirmed to me that I am to use this time to grow, stretch, and learn. Some of the lessons (like I said)have been painful while others have been an encouragment. But none the less.... I am learning. I am reading a book called the Ragamuffin Gospel by B. Manning. He uses the analogy of pouring water into a basin. When you first pour the water in the basin it splashes on the bottom and against the side. To be able to see your clear reflection of who you really are is not possible because of the swirling water and the disturbance.As it gradually begins to settle, it is then that we can see our true relfection. He goes on to say that it takes time to settle. He says, "Coming to interior stillness requires waiting. Any attempt to hasten the process only stirs up the water anew" So I am waiting. I am listening. I am learning. And I know it will all be for my good and His glory!
First change is never easy. I have prided myself on taking change with stride.I have had CONSTANT CHANGE in my life and I have always embraced it as I know it brings self reflection and growth. This change has certainly brought that by the droves. I seem to have been knocked down a few pegs and realize I am not the SUPER WOMAN I once self proclaimed to be! There has been a lot of QUIET moments over the past six weeks which have caused me to ponder, think, reflect and any other verb that you can conjure up that means THINKING! I have had moments that range from aha moments to powerful epiphanies that have encouraged me, challenged me, and even moved me to tears. I have had times of stillness that I have not had in.... actually I don't know how long it has been. While some days I have felt that I have been wrapped up in nothingness (thanks KD for that phrase) I really can say that the time of just being alone and by myself (while not always enjoyable) has yielded a new list of goals, prayers of forgiveness, a view of myself that is less than desirable. Some days these alone times were arduous and painful, other days invigorating. I still think change is not easy. But I will say the benefits have been more along the lines of what change is supposed to be.....something that takes us out of our comfort zone and causes us to think, ponder, review and hopefully RENEW.
Another lesson I have learned is that it has been a long time since I have been in a place where I don't "know" people. The last time that happened (I think) was my Freshman year in college. I don't need to remind you that that was some time ago! I really thought that making friends would be easy and that I would attack it with great ease. After all, I am a great person to hang out least my friends tell me that I am. Seriously, I was kind of excited about that aspect of our move but then quickly realized that it is not all that easy for me to just do that. I didn't realize how comfortable I was with the friends I had and have missed those friendships immensely. Now before my East coast friends read this and feel sorry for me and my new Mid western friends read this and say...."Now wait a minute...." I include this because I have learned from my experience of "not knowing" anyone how very important it is to always be in a state of reaching out....ALWAYS!! I have been blessed with getting to know some wonderful ladies and look forward to building more friendships as time continues. I have enjoyed my Tuesday morning coffee time as well as starting a new small group with our church. God has been faithful and has used several people to make me feel comfortable and at home in a new place.
Interestingly, I have learned that while I knew I had "family" who lived here I have enjoyed learning how it all fits together. We really never spent much time with Eric's family.So, it has been fun to hear about who is related to whom. Some ladies from the church got together for lunch one afternoon and invited me. Before it was over I found out that two of the ladies were actually second cousins of Eric's.It is in deed a smaller world when you live close to family. His uncle gave us some genealogy books too that have been fun to look through. It may mean we have to go to the local "matchmaker" before the girls start courting anyone to make sure that we aren't related! **laughs** I do have one friend who keeps me straight on who is who and gives me a heads up as to who I am related to!
Also, living in the 'country' takes getting used to. It has been an adjustment for me to get used to living "out" and away from everyone. The girls abhor when we use the phrase "going into town" They feel like we are going to hitch up the horses or something. (We have fun with that.) But in all seriousness we have learned the importance of getting an accurate store list and that sometimes you just do without and get creative.
While we have not experienced quite the winter that our East Coast friends have had, one thing that I have learned (that my Mother has been trying to tell me for at least 40 years) is "I NEED A COAT AND A PAIR OF BOOTS!" I have finally succumb to that and purchased a pair of boots and a warm winter coat. I know my Mom is relieved. When it is cold is a cold like I have never felt before. And the rural roads require boots...It is just how they roll!
Finally, when we first decided to move here I really thought that the move was going to be all about a change for Eric. He finally would get to do something that he would enjoy, etc. And as for me, well, I would continue to do what I always did! That was my biggest aha moment....actually I think I labeled that as an epiphany! I was making my bed one day and it hit me. This move was not just for Eric. It was just as much for me. The Holy Spirit confirmed to me that I am to use this time to grow, stretch, and learn. Some of the lessons (like I said)have been painful while others have been an encouragment. But none the less.... I am learning. I am reading a book called the Ragamuffin Gospel by B. Manning. He uses the analogy of pouring water into a basin. When you first pour the water in the basin it splashes on the bottom and against the side. To be able to see your clear reflection of who you really are is not possible because of the swirling water and the disturbance.As it gradually begins to settle, it is then that we can see our true relfection. He goes on to say that it takes time to settle. He says, "Coming to interior stillness requires waiting. Any attempt to hasten the process only stirs up the water anew" So I am waiting. I am listening. I am learning. And I know it will all be for my good and His glory!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Birthday Blessings!
I still can't believe that I am 42. I used to think that people who were 42 were older, wiser and way more mature than I feel! But the birthdays seem to keep coming so I accept them with open arms. I had a great birthday filled with phone calls, cards, texts, and wonderful gestures of genuine love! It was a fun day.
I started my day at the local coffee shop with a new friend, Stacey. We shared a cup of coffee and then headed across state lines to Kansas to a place called Towne Center. She has been so great to show me around, draw personal maps, answer crazy questions, connect me with other people..tell me who I am related to :-)..etc. We enjoyed a nice lunch at Andre's. I didn't want to freak her out by carrying a camera with me all day so I just snagged this napkin to take a picture of it. Then we went to a few shops. I just enjoyed a day to "get out" and chat and enjoy getting to know someone. We got back and enjoyed another cup of coffee before heading back home!
I have never lived around family so being able to have family close is a new experience for me...and I love it. We had Eric's brother, Phil and our neice Heather and her husband Major. They have two of the sweetest boys that we love being around. It was a nice evening. We enjoyed our dinner and just hanging out! I look forward to being able to spend time with all of them now that we live so close.
Eric has been really sensitive with helping me adjust to our move. He has been very supportive and an all around doting husband and father to his four women who are getting used to a new place. I am thankful to have a husband who loves me. I know I take that for granted sometimes. No other man could love me the way that Eric does! He gave me a basket full of...well...everything! He has a Beauty Brands (store here) connection and just loaded me up with the whole shabang! You will see in pics that follow the Birthday makeover Julia and Ellie gave me this morning! To top of my birthday weekend he let me SLEEP IN! It was glorius.
The girls were so thoughtful with their gifts. Coffee, a candle,chocolate, a bath and body set. Kathryn also gave me the gift of service. I had been out all day so she got right off the bus and willingly helped me get everything ready before our guests came.Her acts of service allowed me day to be stress-free! Ellie was pretty excited about my birthday in general. She came into my room that morning and called me her birthday girl. Of course after the day was over she reminded everyone that her birthday was next! She was a little deflated when I told her it was 74 more days....but none the less she is next.
Julia and Ellie used some of the products that Eric bought to give me a spa. I had a pedicure, manicure, facial and my make up and hair done. I think the before and after pictures are pretty impressive!! I was treated very nicely at the spa and enjoyed spending time and talking with them as they pampered me!

I really had a nice day. The Lord has blessed me with friends and family who care about me. This past year has been the year of change, but I look with anticipation as to where that change will lead me. It is sure to be an adventure!
I started my day at the local coffee shop with a new friend, Stacey. We shared a cup of coffee and then headed across state lines to Kansas to a place called Towne Center. She has been so great to show me around, draw personal maps, answer crazy questions, connect me with other people..tell me who I am related to :-)..etc. We enjoyed a nice lunch at Andre's. I didn't want to freak her out by carrying a camera with me all day so I just snagged this napkin to take a picture of it. Then we went to a few shops. I just enjoyed a day to "get out" and chat and enjoy getting to know someone. We got back and enjoyed another cup of coffee before heading back home!
I have never lived around family so being able to have family close is a new experience for me...and I love it. We had Eric's brother, Phil and our neice Heather and her husband Major. They have two of the sweetest boys that we love being around. It was a nice evening. We enjoyed our dinner and just hanging out! I look forward to being able to spend time with all of them now that we live so close.
Eric has been really sensitive with helping me adjust to our move. He has been very supportive and an all around doting husband and father to his four women who are getting used to a new place. I am thankful to have a husband who loves me. I know I take that for granted sometimes. No other man could love me the way that Eric does! He gave me a basket full of...well...everything! He has a Beauty Brands (store here) connection and just loaded me up with the whole shabang! You will see in pics that follow the Birthday makeover Julia and Ellie gave me this morning! To top of my birthday weekend he let me SLEEP IN! It was glorius.
The girls were so thoughtful with their gifts. Coffee, a candle,chocolate, a bath and body set. Kathryn also gave me the gift of service. I had been out all day so she got right off the bus and willingly helped me get everything ready before our guests came.Her acts of service allowed me day to be stress-free! Ellie was pretty excited about my birthday in general. She came into my room that morning and called me her birthday girl. Of course after the day was over she reminded everyone that her birthday was next! She was a little deflated when I told her it was 74 more days....but none the less she is next.
Julia and Ellie used some of the products that Eric bought to give me a spa. I had a pedicure, manicure, facial and my make up and hair done. I think the before and after pictures are pretty impressive!! I was treated very nicely at the spa and enjoyed spending time and talking with them as they pampered me!
I really had a nice day. The Lord has blessed me with friends and family who care about me. This past year has been the year of change, but I look with anticipation as to where that change will lead me. It is sure to be an adventure!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
God is just too cool

I had a chance to tell a lot of you, but when we finally got the last box moved into our house we gathered outside to thank the men who came to help. We looked up and stretched above and over our house was a rainbow. By the time I came to my senses to grab a camera, the sun set and it was gone. It was a great reminder and a great promise and totally a GOD thing.
11 times in 15 years.
That is how many times we have moved. As we have unpacked our things in our house we couldn't believe it as we stopped and recounted the many times that we have moved over our married life. I know some of you are shaking your head knowing how many times you have been a part of those moves!
This move has been different. Not only has been it been our biggest(across five states) but it has also been the biggest in realtion to change in our lives. We are excited about home ownership, and how moving into a place you can call your own brings a different feel (not to mention expense!).
I am an avid UNPACKER. You can ask anyone who knows me or has seen me "in action" I do not like the boxes and unfinished areas to linger. But now that we are "home owners" some of those things are a work in progress. Eric did a lot to get the house ready for us to move into, and we are UNPACKED and pictures are hung. But, there are still those things that need to be done that we just can't do all at once. I know many of you are thinking..."It is OK to just do one thing at a time. You can't expect do it all at once." But that is not usually how I roll!
Today when I was having my quiet time I was looking around at those "little" things that are still left undone....those blank spaces and places in our home that if I were able would conquer all by myself and all at once. But, I can't. We need to make sure we think through what we will do and how we will do it and then I realize that realistically we can't do it all at once.

I have stared at this picture window every day wondering what in the world I am going to do with this thing. We live so far out I don't need to worry about privacy! So I am searching and looking for the best deal and what will look right. I am impatiently trying to get these kinds of things finished so I can say I am done, instead of enjoying the whole process of "setting up a home"
I do that a lot in life. I am not comfortable with those blank spaces God places in my life. I want to get my life all "unpacked and decorated" instead of waiting and seeing what would be best. God has certainly given me one of those blank spaces in my life. I have no idea what He has in store for me. But I was reminded today that he does have a plan and a purpose and if I will allow Him to guide me He will unpack those things for me in His time. It will all be "put into place" all the details and finishing touches will get done.
"As for God, His way is PERFECT!" Psalm 18:30
This move has been different. Not only has been it been our biggest(across five states) but it has also been the biggest in realtion to change in our lives. We are excited about home ownership, and how moving into a place you can call your own brings a different feel (not to mention expense!).
I am an avid UNPACKER. You can ask anyone who knows me or has seen me "in action" I do not like the boxes and unfinished areas to linger. But now that we are "home owners" some of those things are a work in progress. Eric did a lot to get the house ready for us to move into, and we are UNPACKED and pictures are hung. But, there are still those things that need to be done that we just can't do all at once. I know many of you are thinking..."It is OK to just do one thing at a time. You can't expect do it all at once." But that is not usually how I roll!
Today when I was having my quiet time I was looking around at those "little" things that are still left undone....those blank spaces and places in our home that if I were able would conquer all by myself and all at once. But, I can't. We need to make sure we think through what we will do and how we will do it and then I realize that realistically we can't do it all at once.
I have stared at this picture window every day wondering what in the world I am going to do with this thing. We live so far out I don't need to worry about privacy! So I am searching and looking for the best deal and what will look right. I am impatiently trying to get these kinds of things finished so I can say I am done, instead of enjoying the whole process of "setting up a home"
I do that a lot in life. I am not comfortable with those blank spaces God places in my life. I want to get my life all "unpacked and decorated" instead of waiting and seeing what would be best. God has certainly given me one of those blank spaces in my life. I have no idea what He has in store for me. But I was reminded today that he does have a plan and a purpose and if I will allow Him to guide me He will unpack those things for me in His time. It will all be "put into place" all the details and finishing touches will get done.
"As for God, His way is PERFECT!" Psalm 18:30
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