"Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord"
Proverbs 21:30
As I read that verse today I almost laughed out loud at the reality of that verse in my life. Since Ellie's birth...no actually since her conception...we had been planning,dreaming and praying of the day when we would not be paying childcare anymore, the prospects of me getting a masters would allow me to get a different position, Eric would actively look for a job where he felt more fulfilled, and we would find a house and live out happily in the town of Lynchburg! Our intentions, of course, were couched with our desire to honor the Lord in all that we did. We truly thought that the years ahead would be fruitful, but we would be patient and wait to see how and when He moved....towards those plans!!I think back to a year ago today when I had no idea what was ahead of our family.
While we knew that Eric wanted to find a new job the news of his eminent lay off still sent shock waves through our lives....and our plans. Once over that shock we felt sure as we planned carefully he would be able to find a job locally and we would once again continue forward with our plans. I had just started my masters but that was mostly paid for and it would eventually lead me to a different position so it seemed "all well within the plans"
Then the news of Eric's dad's health. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away in January. Because of Eric's unemployment he was able to go spend time with his Dad. It was the beiginning of our focus turning on ALL things being in control of our sovereign Lord, even those things not within our plan. When he returned he fell head first into job hunting. When nothing...I mean NOTHING seemed to be opeing up for him. it is not that I questioned the Lord's sovereignty, but I realized that I needed to let go of this dream and plan that we so whole heartedly held on to! It obviously was not going to go as "I had planned!"
As the story goes we surrendered that plan and now have a whole new plan that has been so perfectly laid out that we could not have possibly planned it ourselves. (which by the way is a great sign that it is indeed God's plan!) In 8 weeks (yikes!) we will be moving to Missouri into a house that is ours...my husband has a wonderful job, I will have completed my masters, and yes....we will not be paying ANY childcare. You see...the plan we had ----though wise and well advised--- cannot stand against the Lord's!
Wow! what a journey this has been.
-We have been one year on half the income that we "needed"and no need has gone unmet!
- I will have my masters degree finished in December!
-We have longed for Eric to be somewhere that his talents are used and appreciated and that he is challenged to grow and learn-- and that is exactly where he is at.
-We have paid childcare for almost 10 straight years....and can say a hearty amen to that being OVER!
-The home we are about to acquire is just about more than I could have ever imagined.The fact that we can call it "ours" is just overwhelming!
The list goes on and on and ON! I look back to our "plans". We did not seek them selfishly or with haste. We seriously laid those desires before the Lord. Until today I would have said that our plans were totally changed and rearranged. But as I read that verse this morning, it hit me that our true desires were not just met...they were exceeded! WOW! My appreciation and knowledge of His faithfulness has exploded.
As I think about the challenges that lie ahead and lie in front of me as I write this, I am encouraged to know that "Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord" Proverbs 21:30
ok...so i go a night without crying and there you go...
ReplyDeleteSO true - and amazing! I could have never imagined I'd be living in OK with my hubs and 7 kids! That we'd love it here. That Jason would be a computer guy... and like you said - the list goes on. We see clearly the hand of the Lord as he grows us and teaches us and HOPEFULLY is making us more like our Savior. A heart that trusts Him is indeed a gift from Him.