Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Embracing the Path.............

"Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord"
Proverbs 21:30

As I read that verse today I almost laughed out loud at the reality of that verse in my life. Since Ellie's actually since her conception...we had been planning,dreaming and praying of the day when we would not be paying childcare anymore, the prospects of me getting a masters would allow me to get a different position, Eric would actively look for a job where he felt more fulfilled, and we would find a house and live out happily in the town of Lynchburg! Our intentions, of course, were couched with our desire to honor the Lord in all that we did. We truly thought that the years ahead would be fruitful, but we would be patient and wait to see how and when He moved....towards those plans!!I think back to a year ago today when I had no idea what was ahead of our family.
While we knew that Eric wanted to find a new job the news of his eminent lay off still sent shock waves through our lives....and our plans. Once over that shock we felt sure as we planned carefully he would be able to find a job locally and we would once again continue forward with our plans. I had just started my masters but that was mostly paid for and it would eventually lead me to a different position so it seemed "all well within the plans"
Then the news of Eric's dad's health. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away in January. Because of Eric's unemployment he was able to go spend time with his Dad. It was the beiginning of our focus turning on ALL things being in control of our sovereign Lord, even those things not within our plan. When he returned he fell head first into job hunting. When nothing...I mean NOTHING seemed to be opeing up for him. it is not that I questioned the Lord's sovereignty, but I realized that I needed to let go of this dream and plan that we so whole heartedly held on to! It obviously was not going to go as "I had planned!"
As the story goes we surrendered that plan and now have a whole new plan that has been so perfectly laid out that we could not have possibly planned it ourselves. (which by the way is a great sign that it is indeed God's plan!) In 8 weeks (yikes!) we will be moving to Missouri into a house that is husband has a wonderful job, I will have completed my masters, and yes....we will not be paying ANY childcare. You see...the plan we had ----though wise and well advised--- cannot stand against the Lord's!
Wow! what a journey this has been.
-We have been one year on half the income that we "needed"and no need has gone unmet!
- I will have my masters degree finished in December!
-We have longed for Eric to be somewhere that his talents are used and appreciated and that he is challenged to grow and learn-- and that is exactly where he is at.
-We have paid childcare for almost 10 straight years....and can say a hearty amen to that being OVER!
-The home we are about to acquire is just about more than I could have ever imagined.The fact that we can call it "ours" is just overwhelming!
The list goes on and on and ON! I look back to our "plans". We did not seek them selfishly or with haste. We seriously laid those desires before the Lord. Until today I would have said that our plans were totally changed and rearranged. But as I read that verse this morning, it hit me that our true desires were not just met...they were exceeded! WOW! My appreciation and knowledge of His faithfulness has exploded.
As I think about the challenges that lie ahead and lie in front of me as I write this, I am encouraged to know that "Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord" Proverbs 21:30

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hacked, Smacked, But Back on Track!

Recently my computer was hacked into! What a crazy day that unfolded after it happened. Apparently my hotmail account that I have had since I got married was compromised (along with 40,00 other people) and the person(s) got into my email, then into my facebook and began to impersonate me. They began asking for money, stating that we were mugged at knife point, Ellie was injured, etc. It was crazy. Even crazier is that I was sitting at the computer and watched it unfold and could do nothing about it. When I realized that in a matter of minutes I was locked out of my email and my facebook I felt like I had gotten smacked in the face! Shortly after it happened I got a barrage of phone calls making sure I was indeed OK and not in need of assistance. After reporting it, getting my computer cleaned out, and making a slew of phone calls, etc. life has begun to settle down. The most unfortunate aspect of it all is the information I lost in my email account. I had archived a lot of information, assignments,and I lost all of my contact information. It really has been quite a hassle and inconvenience in my life.
After getting over the frustration and shock of being a computerized victim, I have settled back into my routine. I have gotten my computer back and feel a little more connected. For once, I am truly glad I have no assets! I am sure that if they investigated stealing MY identity, they quickly changed their minds. But it did cause me to think. What if someone really could look into my true identity.... what would they find?
Would they be able to see my identity that I have in Christ or my preoccupation with myself?

Would they see that my time and energy is funneled into activities that honor Christ or honor my own desires?

Would there be enough evidence to show that I am 100% in love with the Lord or just when it is convenient and others are watching?

Would they be able to see my trust and faith in the Lord through all circumstances or just when it is easy to praise Him or I am at the end of my rope?

While I have been inconvenienced with my computer, it has caused me to think and pray for a life lived where others can see where my true identity lies. May this experience of being hacked and just another way the Lord keeps me on track!

2 Corinthians 5

1 For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. 2 We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. 3 For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies.[a] 4 While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life. 5 God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit.
6 So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. 7 For we live by believing and not by seeing. 8 Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord. 9 So whether we are here in this body or away from this body, our goal is to please him. 10 For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prayer for the Strongwilled Child, Lessons from a 5 year old

Recently a friend posted something entitled Prayer for your Preteen. It was a prayer to pray over your child as they enter those tenatious years of a teenager. While I absolutely loved the prayer, my thoughts immediately pondered the events of the day. I had come to blows with my younger, strongwilled one and ended up in utter frustration. After tears and pleading I wrote this prayer.....Prayer for the Strongwilled child

Dear Lord,
You gave me this child who has such a strong personality help me to channel that strength to do great things for you.

When her actions are demonstrative and emphatic, help me redirect her and pray that someday she will be demonstrative and emphatic for you.

When her actions seem impetuous and impulsive, help me redirect her and pray that she will someday act in kindness and love to someone in need without hesitating or thinking.

When her voice seems to be decibels above everyone elses' just to share something, help me to redirect her and pray that someday she will proclaim your love "loudly" by her actions.

When her words fly from her tongue and seek to demand her own way, help me to redirect her and pray that someday the words that fly from her mouth without hesitation are ones of love and encouragement.

When she can't seem to sit still and is hanging from the rafters, help me to realize that she is healthy and full of energy and pray that someday she may redirect that energy and vitality to serve you.

When she finds it easy to argue and prove her point and never backs down, help me to redirect her and pray that she may someday unashamedly proclaim your goodness with determination, never backing down.

When she tells me she is mad and says that no one "gets me", help me to redirect her and pray that she will not only see that she is loved but that her heavenly father knows each thought before one of them even exists.

When she tells me at night as I tuck her in that she is sorry she broke my heart, help me Lord to show love to her and be encouraged and to know this path of a parent and child is not just for her, but for me also!

In Jesus' name,

As I talked with Eric about the day's events and then later spilled out this prayer I was reminded of our own ways of being strongwilled. Certainly my strongwilled actions are not as obvious as those of my five old. :-) But still I thought that there are things that I think, do, and say that display my true stubborn heart. I wondered what the Lord's prayer for my strongwilled heart would look like? I am grateful that the Lord redirects me and tells me that He loves me and encourages me by drawing me closer to Himself. Thank you Lord for the lessons I have learned from my strongwilled child!