Wow, do we miss Daddy! His birthday is this week. We will miss being able to be with him this year. But we know that time is already flying by so our reunion will take place before we know it. So to celebrate his birthday I will list the TOP TEN things we love and cherish!
10. We love that Daddy sings. Honestly I would have said a few months ago that it gets old ...but I have LOVED watching the girls ASK him to sing to them on the phone. Everytime he is on the phone one of them invariably asks him to sing! He has made THEM have songs in their hearts. If anyone knows us...we sing everything!
9. We love that Daddy has memorized scripture. He has been a source of encouragement to us all when we have been stressed and discouraged by his absence. There are some verses the girls know JUST BECAUSE HE SHARES THEM WITH THEM REGULARLY! He has a wealth of scripture memorized and that passion has been renewed when his boss gave him the whole Bible on tape.....Did I mention that he has a great boss??
8. We love Daddy's cooking. This has been a sore spot for me in his absence as many of my meals have been greeted with sorrowful looks and thoughts of "meals that Daddy used to make" Not to mention I have yet to cook ALL WEEKEND and be a short order cook for the girls' wishes and whims. In one of the girl's own words...."We don't eat like that anymore since Daddy is gone." They miss your food....and I miss you making it!
7. We love that Daddy will play with the girls. Sometimes I get convicted that I do not "play" with the girls like I should. The man will drop whatever he is doing to do pretty much whatever they want to do. You could say they have him pretty tightly wrapped around their fingers. But it is a way that he serves them. He is the most doting man to the Yoder ladies....we really have come to realize how much we MISS that part of him being here!
6. We love it that Daddy is not afraid to cry in front of us. He is so sensitive. Yeah....he sometimes may not understand our emotional output...but his heart is so tender. He has seen the mercy and grace of the Lord and he has passed this tenderness on to each of the girls. I try to be too tough....he has made me more tender.
5. We love that our Daddy does the "dirty jobs" and would never think of asking us to do them. Now that he is not do I miss that. Things like emptying the trash, taking the trash to the curb, cleaning the cars,etc.are things he does without ever complaining!!
4. We love that our Daddy loves to have fun! He is so much fun all the time!!! Sometimes I would say...."Can't you just be serious?" But now I realize what a gift he has given them girls are creative, funny, and know how to put on a good show. I love it when he finds a funny movie to watch with them...They are forever quoting lines and doing things that are just....funny! Many of you have seen Eric's Elvis impression....need I say more! Almost every night I have someone performing something for me!
3. We love that our Daddy puts up with FOUR WOMEN! We do give him a Man Cave to escape to, but he is so patient with our wardrobe changes, hair rearranges and stuff that women do. He will ask sometimes...."Why do they do that?" But my response of "We're girls!" is enough and he usually smiles (sometimes sighs) and just stays quiet. It made me tear up when he told me the other day that he misses "our drama". He is a great father of daughters!
2. We love that our Daddy is going to be the best gate keeper ever! He jokes about keeping a shot gun above the fire place. But seriously, I see him as someone who will invest in the young men who come our girls' way. I don't see him shying away from being a part of their lives and "testing" them. It is with great anticipation that I ponder the way in which he will interact with the "fellows" that come knocking at our door! Of course they are hoping he will save the Elvis impression for when they get to know us better!
1. I'll use this one for myself....I love it that Eric loves me more than anyone ever could possibly love me! I know that for a fact. I have never doubted his love for me. Have we had stressful times?....You betcha!...but never have I doubted his love for me. He has loved me at my most unlovable moments. I am grateful to have a husband who cherishes me!
Well honey, Happy Birthday! Sorry we couldn't be with you! But know that these are just a short part of a long list of things we love about you! Happy Birthday!
Your Yoder Girls!
What a wonderful post - a beautiful tribute to your husband! I love it. You are enduring this time with such grace. I am so proud of you.
ReplyDeleteI love when I hear that my friends are still deeply in love with one another! Thanks, Yoders!