We're moving....I have found myself saying that a lot lately. I have repeated the story over and over. My children at times have even sounded like me as they tell people about our move. It certainly has been an interesting 6 months. I remember telling people that my goal was to "make it to June".
Moving is not all that fun. But what a great feeling when it is all done! It has amazed me what I have let accumulate in certain areas of the house. It has astounded me what I have decided I can do without! It has humbled me at how many people gave of their time to help us pack and move. It takes someone pretty special to offer to come and clean out the nooks and cranny's of your house. I often thought that if I had only been more diligent in the past three years! :) I could have saved so much time. But the move has been made, and I am content.
I have had a "moving" within my own heart too. Though it has not always been fun, it is such a good feeling to have experienced it. I was amazed at what had accumulated within myself and astounded with what I finally realized I could do without. I was also humbled by how the Holy Spirit so gently helped me clean out the nooks and cranny's of my heart. I thought often I could have been more diligent over the past years to not allow so much clutter! But the move has been made, and I am content.
" Create in me a clean heart O God. Create a right Spirit within me!"
that sweaty face looks familiar! I think i have packed a few people up with that character! I hope you guys are enjoying your new home, boy the "burg" was hard to leave!
ReplyDeleteGreat post...I added you to my
ReplyDeleteMOST FAVORITE BLOGS bookmark. So glad I will be able to follow your journey!
There is so much activity involved with moving - physically and emotionally. How amiss we would be if we neglected to discern the Spirit's moving inside of us! What great reminders. Though I hope to not have to move again I am begging to the Lord to be moving in me, cleaning me out, day after day.