Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vocab lessons, puking kids, and broken dryers and other things that make me EXUBERANT!

I absolutely love it when I am teaching and the Lord speaks to me! A couple of weeks ago I was teaching a vocabulary lesson and one of the words we were discussing was exuberant.
Exuberant means effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundant:abounding in vitality; extremely joyful and vigorous; extremely good; overflowing; plentiful

When we were discussing this word I asked the class to talk about things that make them exuberant! One of the parts of the lesson was for them to act out the meaning of the word. Their ideas were interesting and of course the charade for exuberant was acted out in an exaggerated manner. But I was prompted in my spirit to examine my attitude of exuberance towards things that happen in my life, every little bit of it! Of course thinking about thoughts like that when life is "good" makes you feel all spiritual inside. But He used that vocab lesson to prepare me for the recent events in my life.This past week has proven to test my exuberance levels.

About a week ago our dryer broke and Eric and I have spent several of our evenings at the laundry mat using the huge dryers. We usually try and do a few loads and then head into the laundry mat to dry it all at the same time. Of course you know I joke about living out in the middle of nowhere, so a trip to the laundry mat seems more like a huge commitment then an inconvenience across town. We are uncertain whether to fix it or purchase one as we've had so may things "come up" that the thought of having to purchase a dryer makes me want to throw up! Which brings me to my latest test of exuberance levels. I was awoken last night with a puking child. I know we all have times when our kids our sick. For me, it is just the thought of immediately knowing I need to kick it into gear and make sub plans that tends to stress me out. So admist dragging up the extra mattress to the living room for my version of "carpetless triage" and tending to someone puking, I am all the while thinking of how to prepare for my students the next day. When should I call, do I have everything run off, is what I was planning on doing something a sub could get the picture. (by the way, being a perfectionist about sub plans doesn't help the stress levels either!)

However, each time I started to stress this week about the dryer or last night about the pukes and my need to create sub plans I kept remembering the vocabulary word. I specifically remembered how the students acted out what exuberant looks like. Tonight at the laundry mat I created a TOP TEN list of sorts!


10. Spending any amount of time in a laundry mat can make the most thankless person thankful. I am not sterotyping anyone. I remembered all to well the three years of our married life with two small children and having to use a laundry mat every week! But seriously, I found myself rejoicing that this was just a temporary thing. It was like the most destitute people were at the laundry mat each time I went. It has become a time when I pray as well as think of things for which I am thankful. My life really is a blessed one!

9. Using big dryers takes less time. It also provides immediate folded laundry.... which is an area I can struggle with here at home. I tend to fold laundry "tomorrow"

8. The thought that I could actually live without a dryer and still be OK is a little overwhelming to me. But it did make me think of things that I tend to think of as MUST HAVES, and really are just mere luxuries that I take for granted. We really have so much more than we could ever need.

7. Puking children prompt me to deep clean my house (another area I struggle with)

6. Puking children give you an opportunity to serve without expecting anything in return.

5. A puking chlld (at least mine) provides me with interesting conversations. My youngest, especially in the past 24 hours, has divulged so much information to me that has allowed me to know her better. She has told me stories about things that bother her, or things that are dear to her heart.They were preceded by a "Promise you won't tell anyone?" It has been precious. Today she even had a litany of questions she was asking between each wretch. It was like her mind was purging as well. Her questions and comments ranged from "Do you know some people look at their snot after they blow their nose!" to "Why does God let us throw up?" I love this kid. Though I am exhausted, she has made my heart full the past 24 hours.

4. A broken dryer while having a puking child makes me grateful that it wasn't my WASHER that was broken! It allowed my 3:30 wake up/clean up call to go a lot smoother. I most likely would have thrown away the things I was able to throw in the washer as I am not so great with the handwashing post-puke items!

3. While I would not have planned a sick child today, puking children make me realize that GOD's timing is always perfect. I can count on that, rely on that, believe it that.

2. Broken dryers make us appreciate the things that do work in my home-- my heater, my dishwasher, I have electricity...and so on and so on!

1.Facing broken dryers and puking children with an exuberant spirit is way more beneficial to the soul than being stressed!

So, while I was waiting at the laundry mat I figured I would walk to the Dollar General and get some cleaning stuff. I had used up all of my Clorox today. I shuffled down the sidewalk still in my sweats and my hair pulled back in a pony tail. Make up had not found its way to my face all day. The biggest thing I had going for me is that I did brush my teeth and that maybe I was carrying that dyer-sheet smell with me from the laundry mat. As I was checking out the cashier asked me. "How are you this evening, Mam?" I said exuberantly, "I am great. Thanks, how about you?" He stopped and looked at me and said,"Wow, that's the best repsonse I've gotten all day. You wouldn't believe how many people come in here and seem so...well, grouchy!" I had a quick moment to share with him exactly why I was so exuberant! The opportunity to share with him blessed me so very much.

Vocab lessons, broken dryers and puking kids...yup, they make me exuberant!