As the weeks wore on the girls definitely (but not surprisingly) had adjustments to make. We missed our Virginia house, our Virginia friends. We missed that thing called FAMILIAR! School seemed to be the biggest bump in the road and proved to be a giant hurdle. We went from a PK-5 school of 600 to a K-8 school of 200. I found myself saying to the girls...."We can make it to May! Let's just make it through the school year and we will be OK."
As we started this week (our last week of school) I recalled those bleak winter mornings and days when there were lots of tears, lots of skypes,emails, long talks and letters. And I remembered our mantra of "Making it to May!!"
Wow! a lot has transpired in our lives and while there is still a bit of adjust ment taking place we have Made it to May and there are so many things that we love about our new home. We love that Daddy can be with us and has a wonderful job and that we are able to get to know his family better. We love our nice yard and being "in the country" and we are starting to enjoy the fresh fruits of our garden. We have gotten involved in a church and are a part of a small group and are forming friendships with those families. Eric has seemingly picked up where he left off 20 years ago. He loves being outdoors and has been fishing and has a "hankering for some hunting too." He loves gardening and taking care of our property ....or "God's property" as he calls it. He has wasted no time getting in touch with his inner-country boy!

Ellie graduated today! Her teacher commented about her "social" abilities and her love for life. Her adjustment has probably been the easiest....though she is starting to realize that there is "no" pool this summer. That could prove to be a real dilemma. Although when I ask her what she wants to do this summer besides swim, she has replied...."Reading and Math!" So, I am all set for that!

Kathryn and Julia had the most social adjustment being the new kids on the block...or should I say new kids on the rural route!! Kathryn plunged in with both feet and formed great friendships with her involvement in the band and creative and talented class. She and Jade (right) helped out in the library. Julia was my hold out. In fact a few months ago her room was adorned with a huge paper chain denoting the exact amount of days left until summer break. She kept tedious count and atleast twice a week she would give the family an update of the summer countdown. But today as I saw her leave her class she was surrounded by girls and smothered with hugs..."Bye Julia...Bye Julia...Do you have my number?" What a blessing it was to see her graciously overcome this struggle. Of course I have no pics of her at school because she told me she would die a thousand deaths if I even tried to whip out my camera to snap a picture of her and her friends. She took her own camera to school and took lots of pictures. What's a mother to do?
As for me I think I denied any adjustments on my part at first, but I certainly have had my times and trials of adjustment. I will say warmer weather has helped and I am actually looking forward to the girls being home this summer. We made our list of summer goals and we all are looking forward to working towards them. Of course I did promise them one week of laziness....sleeping in...and plenty of planned nothingness! So officially in about two weeks we will begin our summer fun!
Today we used the rest of my graduation money to go out and celebrate at the girls' favorite new place! Cheers! We made it to May! ahhhhhhhh!! Bring on the summer!