I'm 6 tomorrow..........Yipee!
I can vividly remember that July evening as I waited for a dear friend, Julie at a local restaurant to celebrate her birthday. While I love my time I spend with her that particular night I was a little distracted. Just twenty minutes before I had taken an at home pregnancy test and realized that we would be adding another Yoder to our family in just 9 short months! I remember finally having to spill the beans to her as I could not contain myself. It certainly put a twist into our conversation as she looked just about as shocked as I felt.
We haven't looked back since! Eleonore Grace Yoder came into our lives exactly on her due date, waking me up at approximately 12:01 AM on April 6th. She was to be delivered by C-section that morning. But for all of you who know Ellie, that exciting labor experience was just the first of many lessons this precious child has brought to our lives. Ellie, as we like to call her, has been a bundle of energy and I like to think of her as "God's personal lessons wrapped up in a ball of fire"

With Kathryn and Julia we certainly had learned (and are still learning) the normal lessons of parenting, the things you would expect to learn as a parent. So we thought when we had Ellie, while it would be an adjustment, we were set and ready to go...you know...been there, done that! But Ellie's arrival for me was not about being able to flesh out my "awesome" parenting skills, but rather her presence in my life teaches me daily about who God is and more importantly my desperate need for Him! I really can't imagine what our family would be like without her! I can't imagine what I would be like without her.

~ You never are wondering how she is feeling. You could say that she wears her heart on her sleeve. It can be trying sometimes (like in the middle of church). But it has reminded me of the importance of the training of her heart. Being able to express yourself is a strength (that is what I tell myself anyway!) and I need to help her funnel that gift in the right direction!
~ I love it when she greets me after I have been gone (even just to the grocery store) or I especially love to watch her when Eric comes home from work. She makes you feel important. When you are greeted she uses the knock you down kind of hug!
~I love her laugh. It is contagious. You can not help but smile and usually laugh along with her.
~ Oh the drama! While it can get pretty dramatic here with three girls, I am referring to the dramatic productions that take place here regularly! Her biggest hopes is for Daddy to build that stage downstairs! It is all planned out, just hasn't come about yet. It is obvious that the child needs no stage to perform...just an audience or even a mirror!
~ I love the nicknames she has made up! Daddy is --Boochee Boy! Mine is --Momeroo! Her terms of endearment are usually followed by some big hug, or affirmation. She often looks at me and says, "Mom you are so beautiful!" Even though at times her words may not be affirming :0) she really does have a tender heart!
~ She is usually the first to say thank you or to notice something I have done. Recently when she came home from school she looked around and said, "Mom, you cleaned today. It looks really nice, thanks!"
~ Everyone LOVES to snuggle with this kid! She was born to snuggle! Whether it be in the morning, the evening or while I am cooking dinner. When we first were reunited with Eric after being apart for 6 months, she would look at him and say.."Stop what you're doing and come snuggle with me Boochie Boy!" Of course Daddy pretty much melts at the sound of that.
~ She is a prayer! Whatever prayer request I mention to her she is so faithful to remember each time I pray with her, or sometimes at dinner she will do an amendment to our prayer if someone left out something!
~ She exhausts herself trying to keep up with her sisters. While this can promote a little tension in her life, it is sweet to see how much she admires them. We always say she is a "big" girl in a little girl's body!
~ She likes to try and use big words. She doesn't always get them out right or use them properly. But it is a hoot! My recent fave was when she tried to tell me her sister was MANIPULATING her! It came out something like nipmanlating! She had to say it over and over before I realized what she was saying. Imagine...the QUEEN OF MANIPULATION not be able to say it right!
~She makes me enjoy the little things. I am convinced I didn't do that the first time around! She makes things like automatic hand dryers in public restrooms seem like the coolest thing in the world. Being that she is turning 6 (yikes!) I certainly am reminded of how quickly time goes!
~We make up games all the time. My favorite one is the question game. We just ask questions like What's your favorite color? food? etc. I always end it with "Why do I love you so much?" She usually tells me I love her because God tells me to love her! One time she asked me if I loved her even when she was bad. When I told her I did she asked me if God told me to do that too!
~ Probably the most conflicting thing I love about Ellie....and I say conflicting because it is not always my favorite thing!...is the way the Lord uses her in my life. It is no secret that the Lord uses our children to help us learn and grow. He has used and continues to use my three children to teach me many things about Himself and other important life lessons. But, I can not tell you how many times the Lord has used Ellie's actions (both the good and the bad) to speak directly into my heart...about me, about things I need to learn, about areas in which I need to grow. It is as if her purpose in my life was to teach me things I would have otherwise not been humbled enough to learn. That is why I call her my "God's personal lessons wrapped up in a ball of fire"

So, happy 6th birthday Ellie! We love you and can't imagine how boring our lives would be without you! You put the pep in our step and certainly add spark to our family!