This morning I was asked by my 11 year old, "What DO you do all day long?" Humorously I have been asking myself that same question for about 2 weeks now. I have found myself with a ton of time on my hands....a total 180 of my previous life of living on caffeine and burning the candle at both ends. I actually have struggled with this exorbitant amount of time. What humored me most about her question was that I have actually resorted to planning out my every minute of my day so that I can feel like I have accomplished something. It was apparent to me that I did not know what to do with all of this time that I used to so desperatly crave!
It is not like I actually thought I would land a job as soon as I set foot in Missouri. But I did not intend for it to seem so dismal. Here are the following job prospects so far and where I stand in the process of finding a job!
I have completed the application process and background check for my Missouri lisence. While it was not terribly difficult it just involved a lot of forms, requests and paying $10.00 here, $35.00 there, etc. But it is done and I should be getting in in the next 8 weeks.
Since finishing that process I have heard about 2 openings in the local schools. I applied and recently found out that 60 people applied and only 40 were called back. I was not among the 40. So, it seems like that door is shut!
In addition I gave my resume to a private school as well and received notification of "thank you for your resume...but there are no current openings at this time."
Each time I have investigated a school system they seem to be under "budgetary" issues and even the employees are wondering if they will have a job! Our distance from town keeps me from subbing in the various schools as it would be hard to manage home and spontaneuos early morning calls. I will be applying to sub at the girls' school and will be interested to see what pans out with that.
On a side note I did consider just finding a "regular" job to help catch up from the move and allow us to finish those projects that we want to do on the house. The two prospects so far were:
1) The Statue of Liberty Mascot for Liberty Tax Inc. ---I feel like the MO wind would be enough to avoid that one!
2) The second one was artificially inseminating sow and general sow care.-- I lacked the previous experience on that one, so I didn't even apply.;-)
Perhaps, referring back to my daughter's question this morning, the Lord wants me to work at being a domestic goddess! Honing in on some of those skills certainly would only benefit my family. Seriously, it is not that I do not enjoy staying home, it was just not really in our thinking as what I would do now that the girls are older and of school age.
This whole idea of will I, should I, can I, do I need to, where will I work... has sparked a need for a new kind of personal trust. While I have realized that I need to allow the Lord to reveal His plan for me, allowing it to be purely a matter of trust is sometimes difficult. I have recently read that the "essence of trust is to be convinced of the reliability if God. From the depths of a purified heart trust clings to the belief that whatever happens in our lives is designed to form Christ within us." This unwavering confidence in the reliability and love of God allows us to thank God for all things.
Now, I seriously do not think I will be dressing up as the Statue of Liberty and I praise GOD for my lack of experience in artificially inseminating sow! But I will sit tight in my trust and learn each day how to truly believe and live out the reliability of God. I am confident that He will show me what to do.